A nutritious bowl packed of Protein and Iron!

The most wonderful time of the year, winters are here. I love this season as it gives me ample opportunities to be a lazy couch snuggled up in my cozy blankets and relish some delicious yet nutritious foods/salads/porridges. My mom used to say that due to inner heat in winters the food is digested faster andย oneย shouldย consume sufficient proteins, green and iron rich foods. And yes, exercising for minimum 30min is a must all throughout:)

Being a mommy myself now, I have tried inculcating some of the protein and Iron rich foods in my son’s diet this winter. More so, I focus on Iron consumption as well, since Iron is a major element for our blood and we, mainly women suffer from the low Iron levels most of the time.

Let me share a very simple, super delicious snacky salad to much at anytime of the day. This my favourite bowl and is included in lunch daily.

Veggie and Nuts Salad :

Key iron Ingredient : Spinach, Beetroot

Duration : 20 minutes (chopping time included)

Requisites For one bowl of Salad :

  1. Cabbage, washedย and chopped into thin small pieces, 4-5 tablespoon
  2. Spinach /Lettuce, washed and chopped for easy chewing , 4 tablespoon
  3. Beetroot : Diced into small pieces for easy chewing, 2-3 tablespoon
  4. Carrot :ย Diced into small pieces for easy chewing, 2-3 tablespoon
  5. Tomato :ย Diced into small pieces, 3-4 tablespoon
  6. Cucumber :ย Diced into small pieces, 3-4 tablespoon
  7. Salted peanuts : 4 tablespoon
  8. Mayonnaise : 2 tablespoon
  9. Black pepper : Crushed 4 peppers
  10. Flax seeds (optional)

Healthy Bowl Preparation :

Ensure that all seasonal vegetables have been washed thoroughly and then diced as suggested. Remove all the water after washing, keepย all veggies on sieve for 4-5 minutes to ensure no extra waterย drips.

Mix Cabbage, Spinach, Beetroot, carrot, Cucumber, Tomato, Black Pepper andย mayonnaise.ย Ensure thatย mayonnaise hasย mixed with the veggies properly. Let it stay for next 5 minutes.

Add peanuts just before consumption of this sumptuous, super healthy whole salad, which elders and kids will love equally. If you find kids fussing of eating this yummy salad, you can always chose the whole wheat bread (Brown bread)ย  sandwich. This mixture can easily spread over the Brown bread and be relished as a healthy yet delicious sandwich for kids.

If you love, you can alsoย garnish it with flax seeds.

Nutrition of this bowl :

Spinach is rich in Vitamin K, A, Magnesium and Iron while Beetroot, one of the healthiest foods is rich in lots of fibre, Iron, magnesium. While Carrots are great source of fibres and Beta carotene, raw peanuts are super rich in proteins and folate (B-Vitamin) needed to make DNA.

So let this nutrition packed, Iron rich bowl be a part of your daily life, more so for kids and women. A recent last year study had revealed that Iron deficiency anaemia is the major cause of disability in India. Reason being imbalanced vegetarian diets and malnutrition, which has resulted in the cause of Iron deficiency.ย Iron deficiency anaemia is rampant in children less than 3 years and in more than 50% women. Isn’t that whopping ladies? Our care is in our hands, don’t let our diet patterns impact our body.

Happy healthy living!


Quest to live the life surrounded with the charming little bundle's of joy. When they speak, I sing, When they smile, I rejoice , When they hug, I hold them never to lose, Such is my passion for these Gifts of God.This love urged me to navigate separately from my Travel Blog & establish an "All-In-One" Blog for budding mothers. Mum's have multi-tasked this world ,with all her professional commitments , she still makes an extra effort to be a loving, caring and be an intellectual mommy! Cheers, for me too come from the same fraternity, post having a superb academics & close to 8 years of professional experience and blessed with a little one "who has indeed changed my life from Autumn to Spring";)

This Post Has 41 Comments

  1. Donna Regen

    I am always looking for new salad recipes. This one makes a lot of good nutrition sense. But I will have to forego the peanuts as I am allergic to them. I would probably use chopped walnuts as an alternative.

  2. Looks delicious! I’ve never been a big fan of beets, but this recipe both makes them look good and reminds me how good they are for you.

  3. Amalia

    This salads looks like such a good idea for the ideas I’m feeling lazy! Looks really delicious with the combination of the vegetables and the mayonnaise.

  4. Joline

    Ahh yes. The season of snuggling on a couch on many lazy days. And this salad looks perfect for those days! Love how it’s packed with nutrients even though it’s super quick to put together.

  5. Scandi Mummy

    I love winter, too. This salad looks very tasty and perfect for the season.

  6. Ana De-Jesus

    I have iron deficiency and am a vegetarian so I could definitely use more protein and iron in my diet. I love the sound of this nutritious salad bowl and how it is filled with so many vitamins!

  7. ojandcigs

    This salad bowl looks not only healthy and nutritious, but super delicious! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Oh wow, that looks so yummy!!! I’m going to have to try that!

    -Mama from Mama Writes Reviews

  9. alisonrost

    I too love meals like this one. Here in the U.S. we often refer to them as Buddha bowls. All sorts of healthful goodness piled in abundance in a single bowl. They tend to be very beautiful, and have an ability to make people more appreciative of a meal than usual. Perhaps it’s because of the care that is often taken in their preparation and presentation? I’m not sure, but there is something about a bowl like this that re-frames the food at hand, and reminds us just how beneficial, miraculous, and powerful each ingredient we use can be. x

  10. Chelsea

    I love salads with nuts on them! A nice crunch and extra protein!

  11. Menaka Bharathi

    I am a salad fan, and this looks like exactly what I would love to start my day. In fact I prefer having salads first thing in the morning.

  12. beccajtalbot

    Is that true, what your mum said? That food is digested quicker in winter months?? I’ve never heard that before, but if so, that’s good to know! I love hearty, healthy soups in winter – as they fill me up, plus warm me up from the inside ๐Ÿ™‚ x

  13. Danasia Fantastic

    I’ve been eating so bad recently because I’m never home- I need to make this as soon as I’m back in town!

  14. J. Shan'Trice - Fashionaire She

    I haven’t tried a salad with nuts in it yet but this post has me wanting to get a taste of one. It looks super delicious and seems simple enough to prepare. Thank you for sharing this recipe. Please check out my blog: http://www.jshantrice.com/fashionaire-she-blog/ and let me know what you think.

  15. ohshesahotmess

    Yumm this salad looks both easy and pleasing to the belly!

  16. bugbeeandme

    Ive been looking to substitute healthier options for my lunches into my routine. May have to give this a try! thanks for sharing

  17. This looks super easy to make. I love that you’ve used easy to find products. I also love how healthy this recipe is.

  18. Familyearthtrek

    Ohhh what a different recipe! I have eaten something similar but with seeds and other nuts but not peanuts. This is something my daughter would love! How about adding avocado? I think it might go well with this?

  19. theShugrHeds

    I am going to have to give this recipe a try. I’m beginning to suspect that I have an intolerance to bread, so this would be perfect for one lunchtime. Many thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  20. I just found a lovely recipe for vegan mayo and I thibk it would work great with this salad too! I loev the addition of nuts, they add so much flavour and texture it makes any salad so delicious!

  21. Monika

    A very healthy and beautiful looking salad. Im going to try this very soon !

  22. Crystal Marie

    Salads are so easy. They are my go-to lately. I love adding peanuts to them too! Yum!

  23. Kimberly

    This looks absolutely amazing! I have most of these ingredients! Trying this soon!

  24. Pri

    This looks delicious! You packed a lot of great ingredients together! Will have to try this for lunch.


  25. Afrostylicity

    Thanks so much for sharing all these delicious recipes. I will be sure to try them out, instead of reaching for unhealthy cakes etc. There is so much unhealthy food in close proximity during the holiday season; it’s great to know that there are easy, quick healthy alternatives. ~ Joy

  26. cvnxena

    ooo this looks delicious and one I need to share with my husband! It would be perfect for his lunches to improve his nutrition.

  27. Rachel

    Yum! this looks delicious, the veggies all sound great, but I have a nut allergy. Do you think this would work with a seed as an alternative?

  28. I love that its so healthy! The iron hidden behind this recipe is delightful, because its delicious, eye catching and will make my mouth happy. :-D. Thanks!!

  29. Toya

    This looks really good especially with the peanuts! I love new recipes and especially a new healthy snack. Thanks s much for sharing

  30. alittlechinwag

    This certainly is food for thought! I adopt this salad but minus the peanuts as i’m allergic. I definitely want to increase my iron and protein intake, so important. Thanks for sharing.

  31. Sarah

    Great recipe. Will have to try it this summer.

  32. Blair Villanueva

    Thumbs up for this protein packed snacks! I would be hapoily enjoy this while watching the netflix!

  33. Christie Brown

    I’ve really been getting in to veggie bowls lately – they’re super easy to make and are good for you, win-win haha. This sounds like a good recipe, I love cabbage and spinach, maybe I’ll give it a try some time. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Christie’s Take on Life. xx

  34. Inez

    I love great salad recipes. And I love the crunchiness of nuts in salad, too. So yummy!

  35. Aine Mulloy

    This looks good, would make such a great work lunch too – perfect for a easy feed

  36. London Mumma

    What a great looking and uber fresh salad. I’ve been looking for something new and this could be it.

  37. Sarmistha Goswami

    That’s a great recipe and the photographs look seriously mouth watering. I think it’s a good mix oof health and taste and can be enjoyed by kids and adults alike. Thanks for sharing.
    Do drop by my blog as well : http://styleovercoffee.com ๐Ÿ™‚

  38. Courtney

    Omg can we say yum?!?! So much yumminess!!! I will definitely be giving your recipe a try! Too yummy not to

  39. Tamala Baldwin

    Love veggies. Love nuts. I’ve been driving back to New York from TN and all I can think about is making a veggie salad when I get home. This is making my mouth water.

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