9 Business Ideas for your kids

How to start business as a kid? Kids are brilliant! They have an ignorance and idealism that combines perfectly to create new ideas and solutions that adults tend to overlook. Our unwillingness to look at the world in a different light prevents us from making a…

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The curious world of Inquisitive Kids : Part I

Curious Kids "Why is water always wet? Even when it is in sunlight, why doesn't it dries up? OMG! How to answer that, help me mommies." Well, the other day I was bombarded with "n" curiosities by my preschooler, which went on back to back in…

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Teaching failures – Let kids succeed from failures

Let them stumble, let them taste failure to be Successful As parents or caretakers, we ensure a complete boundary of protection for our kids. A little fall & we are there to pick them up. When in the garden with bunch of kids, we are there to…

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