10 ways to make your child Physically active

Why Physical activity is important for Infants and Young children?

Its time to ensure that children are Physically active to help them be healthy and happy. In this digital era, Here are some tips to help you how to make kids Physically active. Rather than making them sit at home, go out and allow kids to explore, have fun with other children. Read the importance of being Physically active child. #activechild #physicallyactive #parentinghacks #parentingtips #parenting #child #development #healthy

We all need to be physically fit apart from monitoring our diet patterns and shifting towards healthier food options. And when it comes to kids, they need to be more active right from toddlerhood for their healthy growth and development. Once Healthy lifestyle patterns are established right from childhood, it will go a long way in their life. And Physical activity has become all the more important for kids in this digital era, as to them recreation and fun means Videos, cartoons and online games, which are negating the basics of being healthy and fit. These choices have so easily replaced the old world charm of playing outside.

Also being physically active doesnโ€™t necessarily involve rigorous exercising. Swimming laps, climbing stairs, evening or morning walks praising the nature, a session of football, are all simple things which can help your child being physically active.

Before sharing how to make a child Physically active, letโ€™s understand why is it important for my child to be physically active.

Why is it important for my child to be Physically active?

  • It Strengthens Heart and Lungs : Physical work, strengthens the heat muscles, pumps in more of blood, enhances circulation. It also increases lung capacities which promotes more of oxygen in blood.
  • Strong Bones, muscles : As kids grow, strengthening bone and muscles, helps in enhancing Bone density which is must for overall strong growth.
  • Maintains a healthy weight as a physically active child doesnโ€™t accumulates most of fats as it gets burnt into calories required for those activities.
  • Improves flexibility, which helps children in reducing muscle stiffness, lessens the risk of injury and promotes a better posture.
  • Varied Physical activities help kids in development of gross motor and fine motor skills.
  • It also improves their concentration, imaginative powers, better thinking skills, aka It enhances Cognitive development.
  • Kids do get stressed, and physical activities help in de-stressing and promotes relaxation.
  • Better quality sleep, which is must for overall development in childhood.
  • Social & Emotional Development, as in Team work, self confidence and becoming extrovert are other plus.
  • Improves balancing and overall coordination

Now that we are aware of the immense benefits, here are some answers we all need!

Related Read : Do children need downtime?

How can I make my child Physically active?

Its time to ensure that children are Physically active to help them be healthy and happy. In this digital era, Here are some tips to help you how to make kids Physically active. Rather than making them sit at home, go out and allow kids to explore, have fun with other children. Read the importance of being Physically active child. #activechild #physicallyactive #parentinghacks #parentingtips #parenting #child #development #healthy

To me, being fit has always been a conscious trigger for a healthy life and kids being perfect copycats, Iโ€™m happy that Master A has more liking for his physical activities compared to the digital ones (Videos, Online games). I would love to list out those activities which I have been provoking him from the start, which has helped tons in his overall growth and development.

1. Daily Stroll :

A walk in the neighbourhood is a perfect time for us. For small distances, we avoid taking any private or public transport. We get quality time with each other, when we explore the surroundings, chat on numerous topics and relate them to real life objects. This helps in a much better experiential learning and side by side we are working out traversing those stretches.

2. Music and beats :

Turning up the music, turns On Master A! And we love those fun family moments for 15-20 minutes a day.ย Shaking, rolling to the favourite music is a great way to be physically active plus it lifts up the moods and spirits. And btw, Gummy bear song and Kinder dance is his current favouriteโ™ฅ. He loves dancing, so twice a week, he has his Kinder dance classes which are great to sweat out, attain flexibility and de-stress.

3. Elevators or Stairs?

And we all love Elevators, ahh, they give us so much of needed relaxation. Relaxation? Why, without any physical activity? Well youโ€™re cheating to your body and making kids lazier. Opt for stairs and ditch elevators, climbing up and down stairs can be some fun, just be careful. Stairs are a great tool to burn those calories and be active.

Also donโ€™t stop kids from climbing stairs in your house, keep all safety measures in place and allow them to go up and come down. It was Master A’s favourite during his toddlerhood and even today he loves climbing for all the fun.

4. Donโ€™t sit in , Go out :

Donโ€™t waste this precious time sitting inside the house watching TV. Evenings and mornings are beautiful.

  • Go for a walk
  • Walk your dog
  • Say hello to a nearby friend
  • Go for some grocery shopping at nearby store
  • Try skipping /jumping rope in your garden?
  • Try searching for those beautiful butterflies running all around in your garden
  • How about Hula hoop with friends, it can be a fun contest, right?
  • Fly Kite with friends, assure all safety, flying kite is really fun. Master A has started loving it recently.

5. Play Play and Play :

Allow kids to have some structured and some unstructured play as well. Either join some sports like Basketball, lawn tennis, Football, swimming, Gymnastics, Martial arts or just go out and play randomly with friends. Playing game of tag, monkey bars, hide and seek, racingโ€™s, game of seven stone (satolia), rope climbing, are all a lot fun. Even we used to play all this when we were kids. Isn’t it? Such sports and random games are perfect for that needed physical activity.

Its time to ensure that children are Physically active to help them be healthy and happy. In this digital era, Here are some tips to help you how to make kids Physically active. Rather than making them sit at home, go out and allow kids to explore, have fun with other children. Read the importance of being Physically active child. #activechild #physicallyactive #parentinghacks #parentingtips #parenting #child #development #healthy

6. Love for swimming :

Go for local community indoor or outdoor pool fun. Learning swimming is must for kids, read here. Go for some laps, have some water play with friends, have some diving contest, it is a lot fun as well as a great physical activity for children (and yes for adults too).

7. Skating

Master A loved his skating since he was 3yo and why not when you get gifts after winning the skating races, lol. But once you have learnt all you need to do is pick up your skates/skateboard, safety guards (pads and helmet), ask your friends to join in the nearby park and have that fun.

Its time to ensure that children are Physically active to help them be healthy and happy. In this digital era, Here are some tips to help you how to make kids Physically active. Rather than making them sit at home, go out and allow kids to explore, have fun with other children. Read the importance of being Physically active child. #activechild #physicallyactive #parentinghacks #parentingtips #parenting #child #development #healthy

8. Cycling :

Cycling is a real fun, give kids cycle and bunch of friends and they will not be willing to return back home, lol. So, why not occasionally allow kids to go for a cycling exploration? It is a perfect calorie buster, so keep some nutritious foods ready when kids are back home from cycling. Also, ensure that they have their helmets on for the safety.

You can also club cycling with sand play or you can plan for a family cycling over the weekends, which will help you spend some quality time together, along with that physical workoutโ™ฅ.

9. Hiking and trekking, Wall climbing, Skipping :

Its time to ensure that children are Physically active to help them be healthy and happy. In this digital era, Here are some tips to help you how to make kids Physically active. Rather than making them sit at home, go out and allow kids to explore, have fun with other children. Read the importance of being Physically active child. #activechild #physicallyactive #parentinghacks #parentingtips #parenting #child #development #healthy

Skipping is a perfect indoor activity, if your kids are stuck inside, due to rains or excessive heat. Try planning small hikes and treks with kids. Children not only enjoy the mesmerizing nature, but they also start gaining that must needed strength. Start slowly with small hikes and you can later on stretch it up. Most of my readers are aware that we are travel addicts and this year we have done 2 hikes with Master A and honestly he loved being in nature, breathing pure air, playing in the meadows and then having climbing competitions. With small breaks in between, Hiking with kids is indeed pleasurable activity.

You can also go for rock climbing if not hiking. Many mountaineering institutes, Resorts, and few schools have this activity, which help kids in balancing, concentration and in gaining strength.

10. Gardening :

Growing your own plant be it flowering plants, fruit bearing plants, Gardening is really not easy. wWatering and caring for plants daily is a beautiful task. Involve your kids in gardening activities, which is a good way to be physically active.ย 

Read out : 10 fun gardening activities for kids here.ย ย 

Plan up 1-2 of these activities involving an hour or two for kids. There is much to explore and learn in the surroundings, do ensure your kids take out this time!

I would like to know your views on physical activities for kids, what all activities do you engage kids in? What are your thoughts on the above listed actions for kids?

Till then,

Have all the fun and Life’s blessings!

Xoxo, Jhilmil

This is my first post in the #MyFriendAlexa Campaign, one of the biggest blogging event and my 1st to join in!

I am taking my Alexa Rank to the next level with with Blogchatter, I’ll be penning down some interesting stuff with #Mommyinmewrites , be tuned!


Quest to live the life surrounded with the charming little bundle's of joy. When they speak, I sing, When they smile, I rejoice , When they hug, I hold them never to lose, Such is my passion for these Gifts of God.This love urged me to navigate separately from my Travel Blog & establish an "All-In-One" Blog for budding mothers. Mum's have multi-tasked this world ,with all her professional commitments , she still makes an extra effort to be a loving, caring and be an intellectual mommy! Cheers, for me too come from the same fraternity, post having a superb academics & close to 8 years of professional experience and blessed with a little one "who has indeed changed my life from Autumn to Spring";)

This Post Has 74 Comments

  1. Ruchi Verma

    Your all tips are so perfect to make kids active…I love swimming and running so wish kids too get indulge in that

  2. Priyanka Patwari

    Exercise along with a balanced diet provides the foundation for a healthy, active life.parents can do is encourage healthy habits in their children early on in life. love the post..

  3. Deepa

    These days because of gadgets and other stuff, kids are less active physically. That’s why there are early cases of lifestyle diseases. These are some great tips to push them out if the house and play around.

  4. Dipika Singh

    Keeping children fit and active is the only way forward, India is the world diabetic capital and unhealthy lifestyle might lead kids to end up being hyper or with such ailments.
    You ave mentioned some great ways to include physical activities in kids.

  5. Priyal

    I am glad you come up with this topic this is very important for our kids to take part in physical activities and I too take part with my kids, like we do swimming, walking, skipping playing in the garden together

  6. Being Amna

    I am happy i came across this post . My kids are really being lazy and love for gadgets made them away from any physical activity . Love the tips and list of activities shared by you . Will surely follow these tips!

  7. Anupriya

    I get my kids involved in atleast 5 of these activities on a regular basis. Will try to include more in the future. Nice informative post

    1. Jhilmil

      That’s so heartening to know Anupriya, thanks for coming by:)

  8. Vartika Gakhar

    Could not agree more with you. In the era where technology has taken over us, it becomes even more important to indulge our kids in physical activities for their overall growth.

  9. Mayuri Nidigallu

    I find kids these days to be more inactive than active. They spend more time with gadgets than they do at games. I liked the tips you shared, Jhilmil. Should help parents inculcate physical activity in kids.

    1. Jhilmil

      Thanks Mayuri, hope parents understand the need today and push kids more outdoors and for physical activity

  10. For children to grow up healthy, itโ€™s important they are physically active. To help children develop habits that will last a lifetime, an active, healthy lifestyle must start early in life. Activity of any intensity should be encouraged, including light activity and more energetic physical activity. Children should not be inactive for long periods, except when they’re asleep. Watching TV, travelling by car, bus or train, or being strapped into a buggy for long periods are not good for a child’s health. There’s growing evidence that such behaviour can increase their risk of poor health. Energetic activity for children will make kids “huff and puff” and can include organised activities, such as dance and gymnastics. Any sort of active play will usually include bursts of energetic activity. I Read your blog for the first time Jhilmil.

    1. Jhilmil

      Thanks for coming to my blog and I must agree 100% to what you have cited. Parents need to understand this and limit the digital time of kids. they need to go back to small basics which we as kids used to do. Thanks:)

  11. Gurjeet Chhabra

    He is so cute. I too keep on adding activities in my kids life so that they remain physical fit.

  12. Sayeri

    Still I can remember the days when after school, we the group of friends played a lot. That time we didn’t have a mobile to watch videos or to play games. Life was good and we were happy. Now a days, kids are so addicted to mobile phones and TV. Now they have such a hectic schedule and they are into rat race. They dont even get time for playing. Hope your post will make the parents more aware about this fact.
    I want to gift my son, a beautiful childhood memory. And I am working on it. I play with him, I dont pressurize him for study and trust me I am not in the rat race. I dont want my son to score 100 in maths rather I will be happy if he can dance or act like SRK ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ he he he

    Such a long comment

    1. Jhilmil

      That’s so beautiful Sayeri, it has been the same with me. I’m more happy if he goes outside and plays with his friends and randomly uses his imaginations. One hour of study is more than enough for me. Good goals for Mickey, M really happy!

  13. You are absolutely correct. Gone are the days of constant and consistent physical activity for children. Nowadays they are hooked to iPads and tablets and TV. It is important to make sure that children get their share of physical activity.

    1. Jhilmil

      Very True, this post is an aid to help parents push kids for more physical activity and more outdoor play

  14. Alpana Deo

    Outdoors, exercising, playing, or being with Mother Nature has douch to give. Unfortunately, today kids and parents are getting used to of passing our time watching TV.

  15. Siddhi

    My baby is extremely playful she keeps running around, plays role-play and dances along, I guess taking her outdoors is only thing remaining. Thanks for the post.

  16. Nayantara Hegde

    This is really a very important agenda for kids today. They dont spend enough time outdoors. When we were young we couldnt wait to head out of doors but these days I see kids have to be kicked out of the door. Sad state of affairs. But your tips are simple and encouraging.

    1. Jhilmil

      Very true, My mum used to give me rewards to bring me indoors, lol, I love my outdoor play so much! Today kids need to be exposed to understand this magic.

  17. Reetuparna Saha

    It is extremely important for kids to be physically active. You have shared some amazing examples to keep the little ones engaged in the same.

  18. Varad

    These days parents are quick to give a smart phone in their kids’ hands to make them eat. This is a very important article. Well written.

  19. Khushboo

    These are some really helpful and informative tips for kids to stay active. I guess parents should encourage their kids to be active

  20. Paresh Godhwani

    I totally agree. Children need to be physically active in this digital era. And parents need to push them towards outdoor activities until they fall in love with one.

    1. Jhilmil

      Exactly and kids really love being outdoors. Thanks for coming by:)

  21. Deevyanka

    Gross motor activities are so important and so beneficial in developing child’s physical and mental well-being. These kind of outdoor activities keep them fresh, happy and burn out their never-ending energy. Loved reading your post!!

    1. Jhilmil

      So rightly said Deevyanka, its apt to utilise their energies. Thanks for coming by:)

  22. Amrita Basu (Misra)

    Physical activity is important for all of us and more in kids.Its a wonderful post to spread awareness

  23. Shilpa Gupte

    I agree with you. Kids need such kind of physical exercise that is not only restricted to a certain sport, but can also be enjoyed while doing most daily activities. I like walking, running and step climbing the best. I have been walking and step climbing and can vouch for the benefits these activities bring for the entire body.
    I liked your well researched, detailed article–just the kind parents today need to read!

  24. Shilpa Gupte

    I agree with you. Kids need such kind of physical exercise that is not only restricted to a certain sport, but can also be enjoyed while doing most daily activities. I like walking, running and step climbing the best. I have been walking and step climbing and can vouch for the benefits these activities bring for the entire body.
    I liked your well researched, detailed article–just the kind parents today need to read!

    1. Jhilmil

      Bang on Shilpa, walking climbing stairs are the simplest ones, and we all need to focus on the simpler things

  25. Prerna Sinha

    Amazing article! I really believe that life should step out of the house to find new opportunities. I engage my kids in a lot of activities to make sure they are physically active!

    1. Jhilmil

      That’s brilliant to know Prerna:)

  26. Varsh

    I agree with you that cognitive development is aided when kids are physically active. I’m a big believer of unstructured play and make my kids go out and spend time outdoors in any activity of their choice.

    1. Jhilmil

      Bang On! I try to give my child more than an hour’s unstructured play and it has so beautifully given him the required development. That’s a great way you are mothering Varsha:)

  27. Ishieta

    really good and solid ideas. i especially love the idea of gardening – the advantages and benefits for everyone involved are manifold!

  28. Rashmi

    Totally agree with you Jhilmil! We have enjoyed our childhood fully in the lapse of Mother Nature, playing all random games. Then why our kids should be deprived of all the outdoor fun, when we know how important it is to be physically fit? Let’s raise the awareness, take them out of the grip of these gadgets and bring them close to the nature and make them more fit.

    1. Jhilmil

      That’s what I have tried in this post Rashi, let kids have that outdoor fun, being parents we should not deprive them of this golden fun. Thanks for coming by:)

  29. Neha Sharma

    These are some of the best tips to make our kids more healthy and active. My son has recently learned riding a bicycle and since then there’s just cycling all the time. Physical activity has so many benefits which you have perfectly captured in this post.

    1. Jhilmil

      That’s lovely, Cycling is my son’s fav sport too!

  30. Akanksha Goel

    Thanks for sharing these tips. Prefect reminder for parents to take care of kids mental growth. Exercise is so important for not only physical growth but to have healthy mind too.

  31. Lavanya

    That’s a very important point you are making. My 5 year old nephew sits at home all day during weekends playing video games on a mobile phone. Playing outdoor games like we did in the pre-mobile phone era teaches children interpersonal skills besides the obvious physical benefits.

    1. Jhilmil

      Exactly, it helps so much in social and emotional development as well. Further it also helps them intake some healthy food choices. Do try to provoke your nephew for outdoor play

  32. Tina

    These are very good activities to try with kids. I take my son to play in the field as much as possible.

  33. Snigdha Prusti

    Wow, very informative topic. I didn’t know that physically active in kids is such important. Thanks for being into notice.

  34. Princy Khurana

    just yesterday, I was listening to Rijuta Diwaker and she said exactly this, a child should get at least 90 minutes of physical activity daily for overall growth.

    1. Jhilmil

      Exactly, its a part of development and should not be missed out!

  35. Bushra

    When the screen time increase there is much need to introduce outdoor activities to kids. That’s very helpful tips for parents

  36. Sajid Akhter

    Hi Jhilmil,

    Great post! Overall development of a child largely depends on their physical growth. Of late I guess we have all become very protective of our children in a way where we don’t want them to got out to play and get hurt. However, I believe life is a learning experience since the time we are born. It is important to face our challenges and overcome them. That way we don’t remain vulnerable. Sports and physical activities shapes us for the challenges ahead in life. It makes us stronger physically as well as mentally.

    Thanks for sharing this lovely post. Have a great day. ๐Ÿ™‚

  37. Shubhra Rastogi

    It is true… giving a healthy and fit life is the best gift we can give to our children. They will forget all the toys as they grow up but this gift they will treasure for their lifetime.

  38. sukrisblog

    Very simple and effective tips. It has become more and more necessary now for kids to indulge in outdoor activities due to digital addiction.

  39. Latha

    I love unstructured play. It has a lot of benefits , gives child a lot of confidence.

  40. Medha Nagur

    Every age and era face a certain problem and we in this age are definitely dealing a lot with gadgets. They’re not only hindering physical activities for kids but also adults. But when people like you offer help with such good tips, it’s hard not to follow them!

    1. Deepa

      Very informative post. You have mentioned quite a good list of activities..

  41. Ranjini

    I think one important part here is, if a parent is physically active, it automatically pushes the child to be active too. So teaching through example is way better

  42. Sonam Jain

    that was a detailed out post.. thanks for sharing .. I do some of the things you have mentioned. But you gave me more ideas on how to occupy him with gardening etc

  43. Milan

    Rightly said Jhilmil that in this digital era its must to push kids for outdoor activities and you have provided so many options and its benefits . lovely post. Must share with u that in our home its the other way round, once my kids are out ,its difficult to bring them back home. LOL.

    1. Jhilmil

      That’s wonderful to know Milan as Its the same with my child.

  44. Anisha

    Sometimes i feel so guilty of being lazy and not taking my daughter out often but your post inspired me to do more of that

  45. Disha

    Playing out in open was such an important part of growing up. And now kids are pushed forcefully to play outside home. Great pointers Jhilmil.

  46. hema

    This is such a brilliant post, a very well explain one. I liked each and every tip mentioned by you Kids nowadays give very less time to outdoor play and physical activities, it is important for the parents to encourage the kids.

    #MyFriendAlexa #zenithbuzzreads

  47. Dixita Mour

    Useful tips, love the post and the ways described to deal with kids and keep them busy

  48. MeenalSonal

    Your list says it all for fit kids. Yes fitness especially varied activities keep them engaged and away from boredom.


  49. Puspanjalee Das

    Brilliantly written. We encourage our kid to be physically active as much as we can too

  50. Samarpita Sharma

    Very informative and resourceful for parents and would be parents. Loved how in-depth the post is

  51. Kadambari Singh

    True True True!!!
    kids do need to go outdoors and nice easy to incorporate ways you suggested.

  52. Rashi Mital

    I second on every word here. Physically activities are extremely important in this diigital world. I really hope I am able to help my kids get into the habit of doing a few physical activities, at most cycling, playing in the garden or simply strolling. #LiveItYoungReads #MyFriendAlexa

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