9 Business Ideas for your kids

How to start business as a kid?

Kids are brilliant! They have an ignorance and idealism that combines perfectly to create new ideas and solutions that adults tend to overlook. Our unwillingness to look at the world in a different light prevents us from making a change, but children are doing it all of the time now.

These days many kids are even starting their own businesses. Astonished? Well, you have children as young as six putting a concept into action and starting their own brands. Some have become so successful that they have expanded to a national scale. Many have even gained attention from being spotlighted on the TV show Shark TankIf your child has an entrepreneurial spirit, help them develop that by working with them on their own business, many be a small one. Let them lead the way in what they want to do but steer them in the direction that will make them as successful as some of these tiny business leaders.

So here are some interesting business ideas for you and kids :

1. Lemonade

Homemade lemonade is so much better than mass-produced varieties. And every child, at some point or other, wants to open a lemonade stand. Even my lil one, once said that he wants his own stall, lol! This used to be a fun activity for kids back in the day, but the hustle and bustle of adult life keep neighbourhoods shut in and no one stops to partake of the delicious heat-relieving beverage.

That doesn’t mean it’s a bad idea. Move the concept from the neighbourhood to the city. Have a stand or cart in a busy section of the city (you may need a permit to do this) and watch as people line up during their walks to and from work to buy a drink. Help your child turn this old idea into a fresh and successful business.

2. YouTube Channel

If dogs can have a YouTube channel, why can’t kids? There are a lot of videos on the popular social media platform created by kids with content aimed at kids. Gaming walkthroughs and sessions are extremely hot right now as are (oddly enough) adventures with plush characters. Some of these videos are so engaging or entertaining that adults watch them too. Help them run their own channel and your kid could start earning money if they reach enough views.

3. E-commerce

Online shopping is a major trend in America and other parts of the world and it’s only going to get bigger. Children have begun operating their own e-commerce stores, some generating as much as $1 million a year! Your kids may know more about the Internet than you, but you can help them with sales.

4. Resale

Typically, an e-commerce store will sell products that they purchase through wholesalers, suppliers, or auctions. Your kid may be interested in doing this, targeting an audience the same age as them. They are in the schools and know the trends and products other kids like, so they know what they want on their kid’s store. You can help them with operations.

5. Food

Kids chefs is a big deal. Entire TV programming schedules are lined up with various cooking shows displaying some of the most amazing little chefs you have ever seen. They can do what most adults cannot. If your child has a passion for food, teach them how to cook. Your child could be featured on one of these shows, and they can turn their skills into a business. Thanks to delivery services such as Uber and DoorDash, they could become a to-go specialty chef.

6. Baking

People love baked goods, and there are quite a few kid bakers out there selling their desserts and treats. Help your kids get in on this trend. If you are not a chef, that’s okay. There are plenty of books available full of recipes and the Internet is filled with a wealth of how-to guides and baking videos to teach them how. Get them started and help them expand their horizons.

7. Fashion

Some young entrepreneurs have gotten into clothing manufacturing. And not just for children. There are kids out there making ties, shoes, and shirts aimed at adult consumers. They have a passion for clothing design; sell their products online! It’s all about that creative bent of mind of these little designers. Help them grow creatively.

8. Arts and Crafts

While some of the crafts these young business people create is targeting their age group or a particular gender in that age group, adults love them as well. Friendship bracelets can be so appealing that friends or sisters of the older variety may buy them to express their love for each other. The artwork they produce can be so amazing that art lovers of any age may want a piece. Again, help your kids sell their work online to earn a little income.

9. Blogging

Another way kids are taking advantage of the Internet is by hosting their own blogs. They are sharing their thoughts on anything from school lunches to the latest shoe trends to the dances in Fortnite — random stuff adults tend to talk about as well (though in a slightly different way).

Help them get started, help them come up with topics, and support them with their writing skills as they post on their blog. If your child’s site becomes popular, companies with products aimed at children may want to start advertising on their site, giving your child a revenue stream other than an allowance (will you still need to pay an allowance in that case?).

How Did you find these ideas? Which one do you feel your child would love to indulge and earn some pocket money on his own? Sow the entrepreneurial seeds right now!

Much Love,


Jhilmil: Quest to live the life surrounded with the charming little bundle's of joy. When they speak, I sing, When they smile, I rejoice , When they hug, I hold them never to lose, Such is my passion for these Gifts of God. This love urged me to navigate separately from my Travel Blog & establish an "All-In-One" Blog for budding mothers. Mum's have multi-tasked this world ,with all her professional commitments , she still makes an extra effort to be a loving, caring and be an intellectual mommy! Cheers, for me too come from the same fraternity, post having a superb academics & close to 8 years of professional experience and blessed with a little one "who has indeed changed my life from Autumn to Spring";)

View Comments (23)

  • These are some great ways to encourage entrepreneurship and value of money in kids. Starting early will give them a head-start as compared to other kids. A friend's child made no bake cakes at home and organised a bake sale last month during winter break. It was a big hit.

  • This is an interesting thought and read. It will all depend on what age the child starts this and how his parents / elders around teach the child to handle money. I am on the fence about this concept though.

  • This is a really interesting topic to write on. Activities like these will not only encourage children for entrepreneurship but also help them enhance there creativity n hobbies ?

  • These are great ideas! I remember reading about specific classes in fashion designing, cooking and baking for children. I guess we are moving towards an entrepreneurial age.

  • These are a few very interesting ways to enable kids to learn, engage and understand the value of money also. They can develop entrepreneurial skills way too early by implementing such ideas. Though as a parent, I am torn and not much sure about this idea.

  • I really loved this unique post as I never actually had thought of kids owning a business of their own. These are indeed some great ideas for kids to feel responsible by having their own business from a young age.

  • Arts and YouTube channel are our top picks. Kids these days are totally savvy about saying the right thing and just the right way.
    Great tips to get stated

  • Lemonade stall and a Youtuber are currently on my daughter's wish list. Every other day, she wants to be something. But a fashionista she is, I think does is more inclined towards fashion designing. Time will tell

  • I like Shark Tank. Young brains are full of ideas and they need fueling right from home. Every summer my daughter's set up a lemonade stand and brownie stand. The happiness and satisfaction I see in her face is speacial.