Best mild and effective Laundry detergents for babies in India 2021

Best mild and effective Laundry detergents for babies in India 2021

Best Laundry detergents for babies in India in 2021:

I remember those days when the milk odor on my babyโ€™s onesieโ€™s irked me as a mom. Not just the odor, I was always worried about using the regular detergent for my babyโ€™s clothes for the initial few months. Newborn babies skin is more sensitive than ours, and this is the reason why they need special care. When I say special care, it means using natural, mild, and toxin-free products. And the best baby detergent or laundry detergent for babies is also a part of the baby care range. While we do ensure soft cottony and comfortable clothes for babies, we often tend to ignore the detergent we are using to frequently wash their fabrics. Not just babies, even children have sensitive skin. Scratchy clothes, perfumes, chemical-laden body soaps, creams, laundry detergents can trigger a series of irritation on their skin.

Is mild laundry detergent for babies necessary?

As a new mum, I asked my pediatrician the same question. Do I need to use a separate baby laundry detergent for the babyโ€™s clothes?

While regular detergents are fine for adults, but a babyโ€™s sensitive skin can develop rashes and even eczema and cradle cap. Irritants that touch their delicate skin are one of the reasons why babies can develop such skin conditions.

If you intend to use the same detergent for the whole family, then always add an extra rinse cycle to your baby’s clothes. This will remove more detergent from the fabrics.

A safer way is to use hypoallergenic baby detergents. This will in turn ensure that baby is not coming in contact with any toxic additive, artificial fragrances, and dyes that could be potentially harmful. This discussion made me switch to a more plant-based #babydetergent, something that is more #SafeForSkin.

Which laundry detergent should be used for a baby?

To switch to a baby laundry detergent, there were some labels that I wanted to ensure. Here are the criteriaโ€™s I listed for a baby laundry detergent:

  • Free of dyes
  • Free of brighteners, bleach
  • No SLS
  • No artificial fragrances
  • Hypoallergenic

And looking at the solid food stains on my childโ€™s clothes, i.e.ย presence of bio-enzymesย for effective cleaning of the stains is also important.

Here are the 7 best detergents for babyโ€™s clothes available in India:

1.Mother Sparsh Plant Powered Laundry Detergent

Mother Sparshย has been my go-to choice for Baby laundry detergent. Here are the reasons whyย Mother Sparsh Plant Powered Laundry Detergentย is our choice:

  • Plant Powered formulation: This baby washing liquid has a blend of botanical herbs, plant extracts, and essential oils. This makes it gentle for babiesโ€™ fabrics, even woolen blankets, and cloth diapers. It contains ingredients like Aloe vera, Neem, and Eucalyptus Oil, which reduces the chances of any skin irritation, prevents microbial action. It also gives a soothing fragrance.
  • Effective on stains due to the presence of Bio-Enzymes:ย With all the spillage sessions and food stains, I wanted to opt for a laundry detergent with Bio-enzymes. This is a mild yet very effective formulation when it comes to tough stains like dirt, food stains and it leaves clean clothes.
  • Dermatologically tested and No harsh chemicals:ย It is a plant-derived detergent. There are no harsh chemicals such as SLS/SLES, dyes, phosphates, bleach, parabens, and foam booster. It is also dermatologically tested.
  • Anti-bacterial and Allergen-free fragrance:ย Due to the presence of ingredients like Aloe vera and Neem, it helps in removing bacteria from the babyโ€™s clothes. Bacteria can easily develop on a baby’s soiled clothes due to food, dirt, sweat. Eucalyptus oil provides it a natural fragrance. It has #allergenfree fragrance, which makes it a perfect #naturaldetergent that is #SafeForBaby
  • Easy to use: It can be used for both hand wash and Machine wash.

ย #MotherSparsh baby laundry detergent is available on all leading e-commerce platforms.

Check out on Amazon here

Here are some best laundry detergents for babies that are mils and effective in India 2021 #babydetergent #laundrydetergent #mildbabydetergent #Mothersparsh #luvlapbabydetergent #himalayababydetergent

2. Himalaya Gentle Baby Laundry Wash:

Himalaya is a well-known baby brand and this laundry detergent is infused with natural herbs. Reasons, why Himalaya Gentle Baby Laundry Wash is a good choice,

  • Contains natural antibacterial ingredients such as Neem, geranium, lemon-peel for anti-microbial action.
  • It has soap nut extract for the removal of stains from the babyโ€™s clothes
  • It is clinically tested. This laundry detergent is free from harsh chemicals like SLS/SLES, dyes, phosphates, bleach, parabens, silicates, and artificial color.

I tried this liquid baby detergent and it was found to keep the fabric soft and was gentle for the babyโ€™s delicate skin.

You can check out on Amazon here

3. Luvlap Baby laundry detergent:

This is a mild baby laundry detergent, with Aloe essence for anti-bacterial action. This liquid detergent is free of Phosphates, Fluorescence, bleach, brighteners, artificial colors. It is also pH balanced to be gentle on a babyโ€™s skin.

You can check out onย Amazon here

4. Baby laundry detergent:

This liquid detergent acts as a cleanser and softener. It has natural ingredients like organic aloe, lemon, neem, and natural cleansers with a mild fragrance. As per the brand it is dermatologically tested and pediatrician certified. It is devoid of any bio-enzymes, so Iโ€™m not sure how tough it would be on the stains.

It is plant-based and mild and it contains no toxins, parabens, brighteners, bleach, dyes, and phosphates.

Check out onย Amazon here

5. Mee Mee Mild Baby Liquid Laundry Detergent:

Though it says that it is a mild detergent, its actual composition has not been shared on the product. It does have a fresh fragrance and provides triple enzymatic action for those stubborn stains. This detergent is pH balanced and as per the brand, it is anti-bacterial too.

You can check out onย Amazon here

6. Chicco Baby Laundry Detergent:

This liquid detergent comes with enzymatic action to remove almost all types of stubborn stains, right from oil stains to mud and even poop. It has a delicate floral fragrance. This detergent has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial action. It keeps the washed fabrics germ-free. This detergent is dermatologically tested. It does not contain phosphorus, any added colorants, and fluorescence.

You can check onย Amazon hereย 

7. Pigeon Laundry Detergent:

This baby washing liquid detergent cleans and brightens, protects the colors, and keeps the textile fibers soft. It contains lemongrass, has anti-bacterial ingredients. This detergent for washing baby clothes is mild on the hands and safe on the babyโ€™s skin. It is also free from phosphorus, brighteners, and fluorescence.

You can check onย Amazon here


Though the market is buzzing with baby laundry detergents, always check out the ingredients and their cleansing ability. As a new parent, the easier the laundry routine, the easier the life seems to be. I would highly recommend using a common laundry detergent for the family. For that, an effective and best baby laundry detergent is a great choice. Hopefully, this list of the 7 best detergents for baby clothes helps new mums make an informed choice.

Stay home, stay safe!

Looking for a mild yet effective Laundry detergent for babies? Something that is soft on baby's skin? Then here are some best laundry detergent's for babies in india #babydetergent #laundrydetergent #mildbabydetergent #Mothersparsh #luvlapbabydetergent #himalayababydetergent


Quest to live the life surrounded with the charming little bundle's of joy. When they speak, I sing, When they smile, I rejoice , When they hug, I hold them never to lose, Such is my passion for these Gifts of God.This love urged me to navigate separately from my Travel Blog & establish an "All-In-One" Blog for budding mothers. Mum's have multi-tasked this world ,with all her professional commitments , she still makes an extra effort to be a loving, caring and be an intellectual mommy! Cheers, for me too come from the same fraternity, post having a superb academics & close to 8 years of professional experience and blessed with a little one "who has indeed changed my life from Autumn to Spring";)

This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. Ruchi Verma

    Just like kid’s skin and health their clothes also need proper care and I am also trusting Mother’s Sparsh for my kid’s clothes. I liked the detailed list of the best laundry detergents!!

  2. Hema

    this is a very helpful list for all the new mommies. I am personally using Mother Sprash laundry detergent for my kiddo, it is really effective and mild

  3. The Champa Tree

    I didn’t know that mother sparsha have laundry detergents as well. This is awesome. I love all their products. I’m sure this one would be good as well.

  4. Outset Books

    To find the best laundry detergent is very important. Our kids are wearing these dresses for hours. Hence it is important to make sure they are being washed in mildest laundry.

  5. Thanks a lot for the detailed recommendations about the laundry detergents. Also involve the tip to give an extra wash if we are using rhe same one. It helps in emergency situations as .well

  6. Laundry is an important task with the babies and if we have the best laundry detergent then nothing like that. Mothersparsh plant powered range has so many products that are good for kids health.

  7. Swati Mathur

    Kids skin friendly laundry detergents should be used seeing their sensitive skin. I wasn’t aware that these brands also have laundry detergents. Thanks for sharing will spread the word.

  8. Rakhi Parsai

    Baby laundry detergent play a key role in raising kids as the amount of laundry we get with the entry of a new baby. EVen I have tried few of these and have loved mothersparsh the most of the natural way its designed and manufactured.

  9. Judy

    Mother Sparsh has laundry detergent which is kids friendly, this is simply wow. I am surely spreading word about this. I love all their products.

  10. Cindy Dsilva

    The first time around I didn’t use any detergent specifically for babies but second time I did use. Also my family uses them regularly as everyone’s having babies now.

  11. Hansa Kajaria

    A good liquid detergent for kids is very important as kids skin is very sensitive and soft and other harsh chemicals in regular detergent can not only spoil their clothes but invariably affect their skin too. So a good and nice baby detergent is a great option.

  12. Neha Tambe

    Even if my kids are older, I have been choosing natural products off late. It serves the dual purpose of being mild on the skin as well as nature. I also love the fact that natural products are effective while being mild on clothes as well.

  13. Ishieta

    Agree kids clothes need proper and good care too. This is a helpful list of curated products. Definitely one needs to get specialised products for the babies as they are made specially for them – so much kinder to the clothes too than the grown ups detergents ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. LifeCoachPreet

    I wish there were such trusted brands back when my kids were younger. Thanks for sharing this helpful list. I am sure this will help many parents make an informed choice.

  15. Nesta Toys

    We must try to teach our kids new things so that there is a balance of both playing and learning. These toys are good to purchase that are actually made up of High-Quality wood, water-based paints, and its durable. It also helps them to develop Motor Skills, Shape Recognition, Mental Skills which are much needed.

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