Do children need Downtime? 5 Reasons why Downtime is must for kids

Do children need Downtime? 5 Reasons why Downtime is must for kids

What is Downtime and why do kids need Downtime?

In my past few posts, I have shared that kids need downtime. And I really mean it, they do need, science has proved it. But something strange happened the other day, as a result of which I planned to share my thoughts and some facts wrt Downtime for kids.

Kids are #backtoschool and so their routine is all decked up. With the constant rise in expectations and competition, kids are continuously juggling between school, home, scholastics and co-scholastics. Most of the kids have more than 5 days of extra curricular activities and they are consistently working towards the set expectations. Children are in an overwhelmingly stressed situation today. For what? To perform socially, academically, in their co-scholastics, be it sports, music, drama, robotics and much more. From the morning when they hurry up for school, till evening, when they hurry up for their classes, today kids are too busy, than what we were.

Keeping a child engaged is a great step and we all feel so. It’s right, but not always. We need to demarcate between Engaged and overly engaged schedule for kids.ย I’m for sure not against “Engaged kids”, if you are managing kids “Free Play time” and a Downtime daily as a parent.

Being a child is Physically and Emotionally exhausting!


Okay, so let’s take the situation on us. With ample responsibilities, home, job, social life, we feel being pulled towards stress most of the times, don’t we? So is the case with children, when they are in control of tight schedules for the full day. Children do not understand the need of break to de-stress and hence they usually don’t express it. But if they are always on the run for the scheduled activities, they are certainly experiencing that stress.

Screen time as Downtime?

We were having a discussion with moms, and few of the moms said, kids have lots of Downtime, as they watch videos and play games on their screens. Well, is that the downtime we are talking about? Did you know that being on the screen is also over stimulating for a child and it does not calms the brain, rather keeps it in an excited mode. We all have heard that kids should be in a calm zone (reading books, story time, have light talks) atleast 30-40minutes before their bed time. As these activities calms down the brain and helps in a quality sleep. A screen time just before bed never gives that calmness to the brain.

True potential of downtime is away from screen. Having some free – unstructured time is what we are talking about here. And be it just 30-40 minutes a day, every child must have that free downtime wherein no instructions are set in, no specific activity is focussed upon.


Remember this precious time is not a waste. This time is must for kids to rejuvenate, to know their innate creativity, to calm their brain and really allow them to do what they love. This time consolidates their learnings and experiences, help them regulate their emotions, all of which is a necessary part of kids growth.

Do you know why your kids need that Downtime and unstructured play time? It is must to de-stress kids and help them in their creative development #downtime #parenting #parentinggoals #parentingtips #parentinghacks #boredom #creativekids #raisingkids

Why should you implementย  “Downtime” for kids ?

1. Kids love this Unstructured time :

When whole day is scheduled, kids miss out those small moments full of fun and giggles. Add that unplanned family time, when you speak to your child, listen to their feelings. Let them be kids at that time and allow them to do what they love. This is must for them to understand their interests, have fun without anyone seriously monitoring them. Ensure, no screens!

2. Welcome Boredom :

When kids are structured and engaged for full day, we cannot expect them to sit quietly for a moment and get bored. Often when kids say, I’m getting bored, we rush in and give a new game or play some video for them to ignore the boredom. Do you really feel that occasional boredom is a sad feeling? The more kids learn to cope up with their boredom on their own, the more creative they will be. Read out my post on how occasional boredom makes kids more creative. Kids use the bore time to entertain themselves. They devise new means and modes on their own.

3.ย Downtime helps in de-stressing :

Stress for kids increases with lots of structured activities and expectations from each one of them. This can often be noticed in the form of Emotional distress, sudden outbursts, verbal lash outs, lack of focus on more important things. This in turn can hamper the quality of sleep and even body’s Immune system. Thus a true, screen free downtime is must to relax and de-stress.

4. Independent Play :

Do kids have the time to think of the existing problems and devising their solutions? Downtime promotes an independent play and it aids cognitive and emotional development. Problems need solutions and kids can best come out with the solutions in this downtime. Those who are always occupied with studies, screens, extra curricular activities, socializing, don’t actually have the time to think upon and use their brains independently.

Independent play is an important skill which kids need to learn and downtime is perfect to promote this independence.

Do you know why your kids need that Downtime and unstructured play time? It is must to de-stress kids and help them in their creative development #downtime #parenting #parentinggoals #parentingtips #parentinghacks #boredom #creativekids #raisingkids

5. Cognitive Development :

Downtime, promotes creative and cognitive development of a child. During their downtime hour, they can be seen creating their own innovations, do some pretend plays. All of this helps in overall cognitive development.

“If I talk about myself, my child goes for sports, storytelling and dance, all structured in a week. But he daily has 1 hour to himself. He gets bored, he runs and ask me to help. I really don’t plan to interfere but yes I do observe that time. Within 5 minutes, a 3.5 year old child is back to his innovations. Sometimes, he is seen making a transformer out of blocks, at other time I see him making a colourful highway with his dough. He runs, shows me his art and a long explanation of what it is and why he made. Similar is the case during his evening bath time of around 15-20 minutes, wherein he is consistently exploring things his way and coming out of something new, which none taught him.”

Isn’t this time productive mama’s? It is not just productive, but it is enriching and helps foster creativity and sums up a child’s learnings.

Remember, teaching kids to pause, take a break, smell the fragrance around, listen to your heart and soul is as important as trying to inculcate good habits and a disciplined lifestyle. Childhood is the phase to have the real fun, we miss it now. Let kids have that “unstructured, free time” daily to really cherish their Childhood!

I would like to read your thoughts on the proposed Downtime. How do you manage your child’s activities and your stories of kids innovations around Downtime.

Happy Parenting!

XoXo Jhilmil


Quest to live the life surrounded with the charming little bundle's of joy. When they speak, I sing, When they smile, I rejoice , When they hug, I hold them never to lose, Such is my passion for these Gifts of God.This love urged me to navigate separately from my Travel Blog & establish an "All-In-One" Blog for budding mothers. Mum's have multi-tasked this world ,with all her professional commitments , she still makes an extra effort to be a loving, caring and be an intellectual mommy! Cheers, for me too come from the same fraternity, post having a superb academics & close to 8 years of professional experience and blessed with a little one "who has indeed changed my life from Autumn to Spring";)

This Post Has 43 Comments

  1. Sajid Akhter

    Hi Jhilmil,

    Excellent post. Your post is an eye opener. With all the competition around and set goals to achieve, It is very important that children are allowed to enjoy their childhood. This is the best part of ones life. We should be too strict on them and not allow them their best time.

    Thanks for sharing this lovely post. have great day. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Sajid Akhter

    Hi Jhilmil,

    Excellent post. Your post is an eye opener. With all the competition around and set goals to achieve, It is very important that children are allowed to enjoy their childhood. This is the best part of ones life. We shouldn’t be too strict on them and not allow them their best time.

    Thanks for sharing this lovely post. have great day. ?

  3. Anagha Yatin

    Unstructured play and welcome boredom are tqo really vital pointers. It aids in building the personality of child as responsible individual and the one with respect for facilities provided to him /her.
    Very resourceful post.

  4. Sachin Baikar

    Interesting and useful post ? Jhilmil.
    Thanks for sharing ?

  5. Priyanka Patwari

    We need to make sure that our kids have downtime. We donโ€™t need schedule every minute of their lives. I have seen just how precious every moment of downtime that we can squeeze into a day is

  6. Roma

    Very very valid article, a must read for all parents, the more free time you allow your little precious, the more will he expand his horizons.

  7. Purva Bhatia

    I agree. Boredom is important for kids because that is what will lead to them creating or discovering their interests and hobbies.

  8. jhilmildsaha

    Nowadays when parents expect their children to be everything in life, from studies to dance to music to sports, itts highly important that we also know the importance of a downtime for kids too.

  9. Ruchi Verma

    I really loved the article this is really important to give some downtime to kids

  10. Namrata

    Yeah, it’s rightly said, “All work and no play makes Jignesh a dull boy”. ๐Ÿ™‚ Downtime is truly important.

  11. Deborah Miranda

    I so agree that our kids need downtime. And that means a time for their minds to rest. With todays overworked and over stressed environment kids really need to be given that specific rest.

  12. Reetuparna Saha

    I really enjoyed reading this post. Only realized that boredom does welcome creativity in most times. And so agree that screen time is never a proper downtime.

  13. Siddhi

    I truly second your blog post and I came to know about a few things to be implemented by your past blog posts only. I don’t believe in screen time over 10-15 minutes.

    1. Jhilmil

      That’s really good to know Siddhi, Thanks for coming by:)

  14. Mrinal Kiran

    Wow! I had no idea what downtime was! Seems like we all love some relaxed downtime! Screen time is definitely not the downtime! Loved your ideas

  15. Neha Tambe

    Absolutely agree! These simple things that we took for granted when we were kids actually helped us in overall development. I think as parents we need to appreciate these small things like quiet chats and unstructured play time to let our children enjoy childhood.

  16. Charu Chhitwal

    Yes downtime is crucial for kids well being too. Time when they can just be without any guidelines

  17. Dipika Singh

    Lovely and new perspective in parenting for me. Downtime is must, it helps in focusing the energy on right things. Love the ideas.

  18. Akanksha Goel

    I can totally relate to you specially the kind of posts you share are up my alley. My son is 4.5 years old and I’m always looking for ideas to keep him engaged not stressed out. He feels bored sometimes specially during holidays but reading books with helps him..activities like some craft work , cutting shapes (he loves using scissors) and lego building cheer him up. I also notices story time before bed helps him with the sleep.

  19. Ashh

    What a lovely post Jhilmil! Its true that kids today are stressed out with pressure, set routines, over-disciplined life and it is tough for them to cope with this. Downtime is very important but screen time should not be considered as downtime. Thanks for sharing this post x

  20. Humaira

    Amazing Downtime perspective for the kids development. Very thought provoking post. This Downtime is best for the kids and parents. Great thoughts.

  21. Gunjan

    Very well written post Jhilmil, totally with you on beach and every point..

  22. Sarah

    This was indeed a very resourceful post complete eye-opener your suggestions and tips extremely valuable need to share this post .
    I thoroughly enjoyed reading this insightful post. Glad I stumbled on your wonderful detailed blogpost.
    Keep up the good work.

  23. Sarah

    This was indeed a very resourceful post complete eye-opener your suggestions and tips extremely valuable need to share this post .


  24. Sarah

    This was indeed a very resourceful post complete eye-opener your suggestions and tips extremely valuable need to share this post .


  25. Sarah

    This was indeed a very resourceful post complete eye-opener your suggestions and tips extremely valuable need to share this post .


  26. Amrit kaur

    Downtime is necessary for kids. Your post is really eye opener for all parents. I will surely share this with my mommy friends.

  27. Farha

    Very thought provoking article written by you. With all the competition around we just set high expectations from our babies. Thanks for the reminder … Very useful post !

  28. Princy

    such an informative post, downtime is an essential part of child’s growing up. I ensure that both my kids get this time where they are free to do anything they want, provided they remain safe.

  29. Poornima M Reddy

    Very informative post. Nice tips extremely useful for the upbringing of kids. Guidelines has to be set in every kids life.

  30. Prerna Sinha

    In this world of growing competition, it is important for us parents to realise that kids need to enjoy their childhood and let them live life for a little longer and not bring down all the responsibilities on them

  31. Amrit kaur

    downtime is necessary for kids. They need to play and be what they are in this competitive world.

  32. Rohini James

    That is one of the most well written post on a very sensible topic I’ve read in a long time.

  33. myswatitude

    You make a great point through your post. It will act as an eye opener for many parents.

  34. drbushran

    Increase Screen time has far more side effects. These different ways of downtime would help a long way

  35. Seema Wadhwa

    Children definitely need a downtime, especially one that doesn’t involve screen time so they can go outdoor in indulge in some games

  36. mamamusings_

    I always feel children should have their time of life to enjoy their childhood, all the competition should be kept aside for a while.

  37. Swapna

    The article is amzing and helpful and even few comments and even i believe every kid should have fun time and down time and specially away from gadgets and screen to have fun time they should have traditional toys like we had so it will them get mature and to make them learn how to cope with things .. and even these toys and games can help them with sharpning their brain and strenth….

    1. Jhilmil

      Indeed Swapna, its time to raise awareness around true downtime for kids!

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    Great list of online shopping sites. Really liked it.

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