Eggless Banana Strawberry Muffins (Cup cakes)

Christmas is round the corner, have you finalized your baking plans? If not, here is a tempting Recipe perfect for Christmas Party - Strawberry Banana Muffins! #muffins #muffinrecipe #strawberrybananamuffin #cake #bake #christmas #eggless

Well, I’m so happy that my Christmas baking has rung the bell and while the raisins areย still soaking, I’m up with super fluffy, soft, Banana Strawberry Muffins. These two fruits really work well together and we’re family crazy for this combination in any form. Also, being true Vegan, my bakings are all without any egg and I’m sure this egglessย Banana Strawberry Muffins recipe will get you the same fluffy texture and the oozing strawberry heavenly taste. The resultant is a perfect afternoon cupcake with coffee which my son andย better half relished a lot.

Though, you all know that I’m not a Food Blogger, but the taste and texture of these cup cakes/muffins prompted me to share a small post with my regular readers. You can use the same batter to bake cake as well.

Would you be interested in a fresh recipe of a bowl of salad or Guava Bars and salad or Watermelon smoothie?

Eggless Banana Strawberry Muffins Recipe :

Christmas is round the corner, have you finalized your baking plans? If not, here is a tempting Recipe perfect for Christmas Party - Strawberry Banana Muffins! #muffins #muffinrecipe #strawberrybananamuffin #cake #bake #christmas #eggless

Ingredients for 12 regular sized Muffins :

1. White all purpose Flour : 21/2 cup
2. Grounded sugar : 3/4 cup
3. Baking Powder : 2 tea spoon
4.Vanilla essence / Pure Vanilla : 1 teaspoon
5. Ripe Banana : 2 small bananas, mashed and beaten properly
6. Strawberry : one cup, diced into 3-4 pieces
7. Melted Butter (Salty) : 1/2 cup
8. Milk : 1/2-3/4 cup
9. Milk powder : 3 small pouches
10. MilkMaid (optional) – 5 teaspoon
*Little Salt in case you use non salty butter

Christmas is round the corner, have you finalized your baking plans? If not, here is a tempting Recipe perfect for Christmas Party - Strawberry Banana Muffins! #muffins #muffinrecipe #strawberrybananamuffin #cake #bake #christmas #eggless

Method to bake Strawberry Banana Muffins :

Preparation Time : 15-20minutes

Baking Time : 20 Minutes
1. Preheat the oven to 170-180 degrees C.
Line the muffin pan with paper liners or in case you are not using paper liners then directly line the cups with some oil /butter.
2. Prepare the dry mixture, by adding flour, baking powder, sugar, milk powder into a bowl. Mix them properly after sieving all these ingredients.
3. In other bowl, add mashed bananaโ€™s, melted butter (cooled to room temperature), vanilla and milk to it. Beat it properly till a fluffy mixture is formed.
4. Now add the strawberries in the dry mixture. Ensure that they are well coated with the dry flour (so that they do not sink at the bottom).
5. Add the wet ingredients in the dry one and stir little till both get mixed. Do not over stir the batter.
6. Pour the batter equally in 12 cups. Remember, donโ€™t fill the cups till brim, since muffins will rise. Fill them a little more than half to allow the space to rise.
7. Put them into the oven/OTG and allow them to bake for 20 min.
8. They get baked in 20 minutes. Do check with the tester, if it comes down clean, pull the muffins out of the oven.
Allow them to cool for 5 minutes and relish them with coffee.

How did it go? Aren’t these Strawberry banana Muffin’s tempting for a Christmas party? What have you guys planned to bake for Christmas festivities?

Till then,

Happy baking!



Quest to live the life surrounded with the charming little bundle's of joy. When they speak, I sing, When they smile, I rejoice , When they hug, I hold them never to lose, Such is my passion for these Gifts of God.This love urged me to navigate separately from my Travel Blog & establish an "All-In-One" Blog for budding mothers. Mum's have multi-tasked this world ,with all her professional commitments , she still makes an extra effort to be a loving, caring and be an intellectual mommy! Cheers, for me too come from the same fraternity, post having a superb academics & close to 8 years of professional experience and blessed with a little one "who has indeed changed my life from Autumn to Spring";)

This Post Has 33 Comments

  1. alisonrost

    My grandmother always topped her strawberry muffins with sugar for that sweet-crunchy top. I didnโ€™t realize that wasnโ€™t standard for many years, and after many disappointing (not sweet-crunchy topped) muffins. The best ones though were the ones she made with the strawberries we picked that morning, growing wild in the woods around their Cape Cod house. Oh the food memoriesโ€ฆ Now I must make your muffins! x

    1. Jhilmil

      Hey, my most of the motivation goes to you when I read your baking posts!! I never knew of this hidden crunchy top and must try it out next time:). Thank you so much Alison!

  2. Nitika

    Such an easy recipe.. i will definitely try it for sure

  3. Prakhar

    Oh! I love muffins, gonna try the recipe today itself

  4. Alexx Bloom

    They look tasty And strawberry are my favorite, will make this for sure

  5. Varsh

    The recipe looks simple and doable. Perfect for Christmas. Will surely try it out.

  6. makeupadda1

    It looks so yummy and delicious will try this recipe soon..

  7. Glow Origin

    I want them now how yummy they look.. Thanks for the recipe I will try soon

  8. Charu

    I love both strawberry and banana flavours and together they make for some yum treats

  9. sneha Jain

    Hey don’t u think ur making me feel hungry with such yummilicilous recipe, please send me some

  10. Papri Ganguly

    These muffins look really tempting. Thanks for this recipe. Will try this on Christmas

  11. I love these muffins a lot!! But I never tried baking them. Your recipe is an easy one so I am definetely trying them soon.

  12. Anup Das

    Muffins look Yummy. Thanks for this recipe. Will try to bake this today.

  13. zehravictoria

    I always love to try out new vegan recipes. And those muffins look truly delicious. And want one now…. Thanks for sharing this recipe!

  14. Niekartistiek

    You make it sound so easy & doable! They look tempting for sure – I might gonna give these a try!

  15. These look delicious and easy to make! I always love banana and strawberries combined. In a muffin is even better! ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. eliza

    Oh what a lovely recipe. I so like strawberry especially combined with banana – I totally bet this is delicious! Thanks for sharing.

  17. jason Nail

    This recipe looks delicious. Thanks so much for sharing. I did not know there was a type of vegetarian that left out eggs. Quite interesting. In our kitchen this year, we made strawberry jalapeno jam. I imagine it would taste great on these muffins.

  18. suchi

    Totally love this recipe! Need to try this pot for my daughter

  19. Mei

    Those muffins look super yummy, and seem really easy to make. Thank you for this great recipe ๐Ÿ™‚

  20. Sarmistha Goswami

    I love strawberries and I love anything with strawberries in them! Needless to say I am totally drooling over your muffins. They look great and I would love to try making them too ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. Euge Nia

    I am a huge fun of muffins and banana and strawberry are my fav fruits! Just looking at your Banana strawberry muffins photo makes my mouth water! Yum!

  22. These muffins really do look fluffy and light. I must confess I love muffins and have never tried making an eggless one because I’m always worried that it will be heavy and dry. I have to try it some time when there are lovely sweet strawberries available again.

  23. toastycritic

    I imagine that it would be tricky being a vegan and not using egg for the recipe. But i do have to day it looks delicious. And you are right that strawberry and banana are a great combination.

  24. vogander

    They look so delicious!! I love that they are eggless!! Strawberry & banana sounds like a delicious combination.

  25. Rose

    Looks look good. I think I have only made straw berry muffins a couple times. I don’t have the milk powder on hand but, will check out this recipe in the future.

  26. Prajakta

    I like the combination of bananas and strawberries together… and the best part it they are eggless ๐Ÿ™‚ I am definitely going to try them some day

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