How to dress professionally for work? Best fabrics for business attire!

How to dress professionally for work? Best fabrics for business attire!

Standard business attires for Women

It has been 9 years that I have been into the professional industry working with some biggies. So, to me, dressing professionally is an important piece of being a business woman. Dressing professionally is indeed tricky, as it has to be something elegant and stylish, yet far from having a baroque look. A normal day might revolve around an office, while numerous days are bumped with meetings and many a times, we need to prepare for the outdoor client meetings. There were some days with interviews as well, be it hiring or getting hired. Business attire for each of the specific events is a lot varied and needs to be taken care of.

Business attire is a must for a working women, even for a SAHM, attending certain meetings will call for a formal dressup. here are some standard business attires for a working woman #tissura #formal #dresses #business #attire #blazers

There has to be a perfect sense in that business attire, which reflects 3C’s : Competence, Credibility and Confidence. Dressing professionally is must at work, as it is one of the important factors driving a woman’s career. Many a times, organizations ask for formal standards, while at times, organizations don’t ask for. Further the choices also varies basis the season, Travel requisites, workplace environment, and hence it is an essential decision for a women.

Here are some Business attire choices for professional women :

These choices are the ones, which I have personally opted for basis the events listed out in professional life. And believe me, my outfits were a perfect companion to showcase my personality which helped me climb the ladder of success. The standard business attires are an instant hit in the professional world and these comprise of :

Tailored Dresses :

I’ve always preferred high quality tailored clothing, as they look better, fit best and are designed to enhance “your” personality. I would suggest, invest in tailored clothing. With the ease in online space, you can get your best business fabricsย , basis the season (Cotton/Cotton blends for summers; woollen blends for winters). With wide variety of colours, patterns, fabric, you can easily be spoilt for choices to get that perfect dress. Since, business attire ought to be more polished, opt for standards as Navy, grey, black. Screeching colours, pattern extremes usually doesn’t gel with a good formal attire. Get your favourite fabric to design the below mentioned styles.

Formal Business Suits :

Formal Business Suits comprise of a blazer with a blouse and trousers in a more-so-matching or contrast fabric and colour. Neutral colours, subtle shades are the best for business suits which can cater to multiple events. Things one need to focus are the fabric quality, material, colours, style (which should be elegant enough). Length and fitting (neither too tight nor too lose) makes a difference in the overall personality.

Skirts :

While fabric and colour is important here,ย  what matters is the length, fitting and slit of the skirt which can make it a decent or an indecent wear. It should not be too tight as it can hamper walking, while a big slit is an inappropriate choice in the professional world. The best length should be till knee. Get it tailored to have an elegant business look keeping these factors in mind.

Shirt and trouser :

This pair rocks for normal office days, when there are no meetings and you can have a casual – yet formal look. Again, subtle colour, with medium fitting looks great. Pairing aย trouser with any non-formal fancy tee is not a good idea, refrain from that. Ensure that the bust-line is fitted properly for the shirt you’ve tailored.

Sweaters :

Business attire is a must for a working women, even for a SAHM, attending certain meetings will call for a formal dressup. here are some standard business attires for a working woman #tissura #formal #dresses #business #attire #blazers

It is gonna be cold for sure and it is perfect time to love your winter wear. Opt for layered sweaters, which were my favourite. Cardigans and Blazers are another great choices. Blazers are great for outdoor travels and for business meets as well. You can easily pair it up with beautiful wool and cashmere scarves for the winters from the worldwide online luxury store, Tissura. Silk scarf is also a great alternate to have a perfect business woman look.

Apart from these styles, I always preferred to have minimal makeup with more of neutral shades and it always worked for me in the business environment.

The important part we need to know is that we as “women”, need to be appropriately dressed at work, instead of having a show off and to flaunt mindset. We need to be exquisitely dressed up to have a great impression at the work place.

Happy working!


Quest to live the life surrounded with the charming little bundle's of joy. When they speak, I sing, When they smile, I rejoice , When they hug, I hold them never to lose, Such is my passion for these Gifts of God.This love urged me to navigate separately from my Travel Blog & establish an "All-In-One" Blog for budding mothers. Mum's have multi-tasked this world ,with all her professional commitments , she still makes an extra effort to be a loving, caring and be an intellectual mommy! Cheers, for me too come from the same fraternity, post having a superb academics & close to 8 years of professional experience and blessed with a little one "who has indeed changed my life from Autumn to Spring";)

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