How to lead a Healthy Life? Easy Tips for healthy Lifestyle

Tips to Lead a Healthy Lifestyle

The world is becoming more and more aware of leading a Healthy Lifestyle. Though we all get a lot influenced when we see Health being discussed on social and print media, how many of us actually practice the same? Leading a healthy life is not that difficult as is presumed to be. You don’t need lots of dedicated hours to be healthy. Even though we understand its importance, we end up in lots of quick fixes, which only deteriorate our active functions and deplete our energy reserves, giving us bouts of fatigue and stress. The major culprit is our busy lifestyle which has become more sedentary, due to sitting jobs, endless scrolling, and love for quick food, junkies, which are just a click away.

These choices are detrimental, both to our mental and physical health. Not just self, even children end up imitating such lifestyle right when they are young. We all have been through such phases, and all that we need today is determination, perseverance, and motivation towards a Healthy Lifestyle.

Read below, as I share my experiences and the way I try to lead an active and healthy life.

Here are some simple tips for leading a healthy lifestyle, the way I do:

1. Be Active:

Being active is not that hard. A 30-minute dedicated physical activity a day does wonder. Opt for things you love, rather than forcing your body for something you don’t love. If you are not gymming person (like me), go for a workout in nature. Right from brisk walking to jogging, advanced Yogasana’s and exercises for every body part is all that you need. Well, that’s what I do, while getting my daily dose of Vitamin D (from sunlight).

  • If this is not of your choice, go for swimming, dancing, cycling, playing a sport which makes you run and strengthen your muscles and bones. Start from either of these options and then move towards a structured workout. Ditch the lifts and escalators, rather everything which is meant for your ultra-convenience.
  • Make stretching a habit after every hour, be it in your office or at home. Stretch your hands, legs, neck, waist, just for 5-7 minutes per hour. Take a stroll for another 5-7 minutes. That’s all that we need.
  • Try to involve your family for a calm evening stroll or maybe after dinner. That way you won’t need to pull out some dedicated hours and you get quality time with family while you’re walking.

At first they’ll ask you, why you’re doing it, later they’ll ask you how you did it ~ Steadystrength

2. Believe in the magic of water:

Pure Water is the cheapest thing that is available and our body needs it for internal cleansing. Start your day adding few drops of lemon to the lukewarm water. Are you thinking about how much water should you drink daily? Then the answer is, you need to drink 2 liters or half a gallon of water daily in small gaps for a perfect body functioning. 

  • Quit those aerated drinks, decrease the soda intake too.
  • Don’t rely on packed juices and drinks, which are high in sugar content.
  • If you wish for fruit juices, make them fresh, with no addition of salt/sugar and consume immediately. Though having whole fruit, with fibers is the best choice compared to juices.

3. Regulate your diet :

We all know that the Indian diets (Lunch and Dinners) are high in carbs and are least varied when it comes to the range of nutrition. Chapati and one veggie can never provide you the daily source of nutrition that you need.

  • Make sure that you start your day with wholesome foods, like Oats, Porridge, with muesli, one fruit, and soaked nuts.
  • You can grab snacks like granola bar’s, foxnuts, yogurt before having your lunch. Have a decent varied spread in lunch including fresh seasonal green veggies.
  • Eat small portions of varied diets (after every 2-3 hours), so that you get the right nutrition, in the form of Vitamins, Fats, Carbs, Minerals, and Proteins.
  • Have at least two whole fruits in a day. Avoid sugary and oily foods, keep salt and sugar in absolute moderation.
  • Grab a bowl of mixed salad including beans, chickpeas, fresh greens, tofu, all in variation.
  • Try to have at least 4-5 serves of veggies per day.

Related Read: Ideas of Protein-rich vegetarian snacks 

At times, being a vegetarian does pose a challenge for many of us wrt wholesome nutrition. Many of us fail to fulfill the daily recommended allowance of Proteins, Vitamins, Omega’s, which are quite essential. If you feel that you are lacking in nutrition, you should discuss it out with your Physician / Dietician. You might need to introduce Dietary supplements, usually, Multivitamins like Multivit women from TrueBasics. I faced these challenges and after examination, my Vitamin B and D levels had to be worked upon with these supplements. But the essence is that we need to ensure healthier diet choices and eat foods which are dense in nutrition and opt for supplementation if need be.

Supplements from Truebasics like Joint ease works well for Joint concerns. Similarly for Advanced Calcium and UC-II Collagen. Omega-3 Supplement works great for your overall heart health and Cholesterol management. More so, if you are high on physical activity, then Multivitamin supplements can boost your overall functional system along with boosting immunity. There are few studies on supplements like Omega’s, Multivitamins, Folic Acids which have shown that some supplements are important to us if we have certain deficiencies and are not able to get those nutrients from our daily diets.

4. Mental health and Happy Hormones for a happy and Healthy Lifestyle:

Mental health is of prime importance, if you’re not happy from within, you’re certain to have a biased attitude towards your strive of happy and healthy living. Endorphins are the chemicals that are released by our body and they trigger a positive feeling towards life. In one way, they reduce the pain which your brain might be communicating. Endorphins release the stress and wards off anxiety. Dopamine is another Happy Hormone, which helps us feel pleasure and gives motivation. Serotonin is a mood-boosting hormone and again is released while exercising, practicing gratitude. It is also released during exposure to sunlight (Vitamin D).

All these Happy Hormones are triggered by:

  • Quality 8-hour Sleep
  • Daily Exercise
  • Eating healthy portions
  • A daily dose of Laughter

Now, we need to realize, that it is a whole cycle and we need to work around a holistic way for healthy living.

Stay Happy, Healthy and Fit!

Disclaimer: This post is basis my own experiences and can no way be a substitute for any medical advice. You should always talk to your doctor before taking any supplements. Few specialized supplements can counteract with the medicines you might be taking and can impact your health. Hence it is always advised to consult your doctor, get examined for the deficiency (if any). This is a sponsored post.
Jhilmil: Quest to live the life surrounded with the charming little bundle's of joy. When they speak, I sing, When they smile, I rejoice , When they hug, I hold them never to lose, Such is my passion for these Gifts of God. This love urged me to navigate separately from my Travel Blog & establish an "All-In-One" Blog for budding mothers. Mum's have multi-tasked this world ,with all her professional commitments , she still makes an extra effort to be a loving, caring and be an intellectual mommy! Cheers, for me too come from the same fraternity, post having a superb academics & close to 8 years of professional experience and blessed with a little one "who has indeed changed my life from Autumn to Spring";)

View Comments (22)

  • With the kind of lifestyles we all live, it is so important to give some time to our own physical and mental health. These are some great suggestions that need to be incorporated in our daily routine.

  • These are good tips and they can be easily incorporated in our busy lives. Mental health and well-being is very important too.

  • That post was an important reminder to take good care of myself. Multivitamins are something I do rely on when I feel I am not doing enough justice to my diet.

  • Fab pointers for a happy, healthy and fit life. Incorporating these in our daily lives is a must for all of us and considering that these are simple and easily doable.

  • These are excellent tips and something we should actually incorporate in our daily lives. Thanks for sharing it!

  • These tips are really helpful and amazing. Even I try everything to change my lifestyle and lead a healthy life. It is important to have a healthy lifestyle

  • These are some really helpful tips to stay healthy, I prefer to excerises at least 40 minutes a day, I also ditch the lifts and escalators.

  • I totally understand how important it is to lead a healthy lifestyle from the beginning. This supplement sounds very helpful .

  • These tips are very helpful. And the post is quite informative. I loved reading about the multi vitamin tablets. Will consult my doctor and start taking it.