How to Practice Self-Love?

How to Practice Self-Love?

How do you practice Self-Love?

We were discussing Self-Love in the last post [click and read here] and why I feel that it needs to be percolated deep in our thoughts now. Now that I’m sure, you’re convinced enough to practice it, the question comes to How to Practice Self-Love? Continue reading to understand the ways I’ve embedded Self Love in my daily life.

Well, to practice self-love, itโ€™s important how, to begin with. Here are some of the ways, which not just boosts up my energy but also makes me happy about โ€œmyselfโ€.

Is Self-Love really important? It's time that we talk and accept Self-Love rather than running after perfecting every task as a SuperWoman. Read how does Self-Love helps one? #Selflove #lovethyself #beinghappy #relationships #eathealthy #healthylife #lifestyle

1. Positive Morning hours:

There has to be a positive self-assurance of your behavior. Maybe, youโ€™re looking beautiful, you need to say that to yourself. Or, maybe, you handled a situation, with a lot of maturity and calmness, you need to congratulate yourself for that. If nothing, simply thanking God for a beautiful day also works.

Read: Ways to balance your body and mind

2. Meditation:

Believe me, snatch those 20 minutes by any means and try to reduce the worldly thoughts when you meditate. My days are the best when I get the solace to meditate and usher positivity right in the morning.

3. Start healthy:

Foods have an important connection with our emotions. Think before you put โ€œanythingโ€, as your aim is to feel good. Feed yourself with nutrient-rich foods.

4. Declutter:

Be it a closet or room, declutter the space. For me, systematically cleaned space with green plants is the most therapeutic. Let go off old things, so that new and bright things can occupy the space. It honestly creates a lot of positive energy and helps you practice Self-Love.

Is Self-Love really important? It's time that we talk and accept Self-Love rather than running after perfecting every task as a SuperWoman. Read how does Self-Love helps one? #Selflove #lovethyself #beinghappy #relationships #eathealthy #healthylife #lifestyle

5. Bunch of positive people:

You need to have loving people around you rather than toxic people. Build that community for yourself and ensure that you have positive and happy conversations with them.

6. You canโ€™t do everything:

Accept it! It will only lead to happiness when something doesnโ€™t goes the way you want. Accept that there will be mistakes and you are no-one, to punish yourself for that. Let it go!

7. Let it go:

Thatโ€™s a beautiful art, which my hostel warden taught me. Life is burned with emotional conundrums and most of them make no sense to us. Let them go! Forget about it, just believe that time passes on and so will such moments.

8. Celebrate your achievements:

Not big ones (as that you will do for sure once a year), but celebrate even the small wins. It boosts your morale and fills one with self-love and confidence. It creates an aura of happiness around. Try and youโ€™ll vouch for it:)

Is Self-Love really important? It's time that we talk and accept Self-Love rather than running after perfecting every task as a SuperWoman. Read how does Self-Love helps one? #Selflove #lovethyself #beinghappy #relationships #eathealthy #healthylife #lifestyle

9. Do what you love:

Just for 20-30 minutes a day, take that privilege to do something that you love. It could be getting a simple massage or reading a book, or doing Yoga, or playing Lawn tennis with your friend. Just nurture your hobby in whichever way you feel you can.

10. Social media is fake:

Yes, believe me. 90% of the time it is all made up and heavily photoshopped. It isnโ€™t real. We all have challenges in our lives, but that is never shown. Donโ€™t let any such beautifully curated feed, magazines make you feel that you are imperfect. You are beautiful in your own way, donโ€™t amend it for others.

11. Say No to comparison:

Comparison kills relations and even oneself. It agonies your mind and heart. Make a sincere attempt to stop comparing your life with others. Be grateful for your life, your relations and your happiness. It will make you feel proud of yourself.

12. Say yes to your mistakes:

Iโ€™m a human and bound to make mistakes (unknowingly though). I have those guts to accept it, rather than being embarrassed by them and not forgiving myself. Forgive yourself and your past. Consider that as a part of your learning towards life and move ahead with new ideations.

13. Speak to your inner self:

Do that once a day, maybe before bedtime. If you feel it’s not loving and promising, then it’s time to change. You need to love yourself the same way you love your parents, kids, husband. you need to be considerate enough for yourself in the same way.

Can you start with these small changes? Your biggest responsibility is to Love yourself.ย  Implement it, execute it and feel the difference. When it comes to me, I’m a much happier person now, than I was!

Is Self-Love really important? It's time that we talk and accept Self-Love rather than running after perfecting every task as a SuperWoman. Read how does Self-Love helps one? #Selflove #lovethyself #beinghappy #relationships #eathealthy #healthylife #lifestyle

Signing off with Much Love,



Quest to live the life surrounded with the charming little bundle's of joy. When they speak, I sing, When they smile, I rejoice , When they hug, I hold them never to lose, Such is my passion for these Gifts of God.This love urged me to navigate separately from my Travel Blog & establish an "All-In-One" Blog for budding mothers. Mum's have multi-tasked this world ,with all her professional commitments , she still makes an extra effort to be a loving, caring and be an intellectual mommy! Cheers, for me too come from the same fraternity, post having a superb academics & close to 8 years of professional experience and blessed with a little one "who has indeed changed my life from Autumn to Spring";)

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Sajid Akhter

    Hi Jhilmil,

    Self love is very vital. It helps you stay positive and gives you a zing to move forward in the right direction.

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