How to prevent tooth decay in Kids : Oral health awareness

Dental issues in toddles, dental issues in children, dental issues in kids, tips to safeguard your child's tooth. #dentalissues #toothdecay #teethingissues #flossing #forkids

Oral health awareness in kids :

So the month full of love and candies is on the verge of ending. And so, let’s all come out of the chocolate filled dreamy world and enter into the real world again. I’m sure, today’s smart kids have used this month to fulfil their pockets with chocolates and mess upย their cute faces. So why not, have a look at those pearl whites, if they need some extra care, after that candy-mania!!

This post is spreading Oral health awareness before upcoming World Oral health Day 2018!

Preventing tooth decay in Kids :

Most of the kids, by the time they are 3, have nearly full set of 20 baby teeth,ย and their jaws are growing. This means that it is a time to be extra careful for our toddlers. I still remember making my baby taste the delicious strawberry cake when he was 6 months, 100% toothless. I feel, the time starts from the time they are infants and slowly the responsibility grows with the teething. Tooth decay can happen as early as your toddler is just 2 years and that’s the reason, we need to love and care these baby pearls, for a smile worth remembering.

How to prevent tooth decay in kids | Spreading Oral health awareness :ย ย 

1. Cleaning has to begin early :

Did you think that we need to clean before the teeth have sprouted? Well, yes, even before the teeth are there, do wipe the gums with soft clean cloth or gauze pad so that excess of milk or any baby food you give is removed. Early start is better to have a clean Oral care.

2. Ensureย first visit to Paediatric dentist :

Some babies start teething by 6months and some by 1year. So the standard that goes is, plan a visit to the dentist within 6months ofย the start of teething. Find a child dentist you seem to be comfortable and get the teeth chart.

3. Start with the Finger brush :

Click here to buy one

Toddlers gums are too soft, so you can start off the brushing regime with the soft finger brush, twice a day(morning and night). Start this without any toothpaste as babies are bound toย swallow the paste completely. Slowly, you can introduce toothpaste, but use not more than a smear or a very small drop for toddlers or kids less than 3 years. Do not ask your child to brush themselves, until you are confident that they can really clean up even if they are less than 3 years.

For kids more than 3 years, start using pea sized fluoride toothpaste. Be with them to supervise their hand movements and cleaning between the teeth. Make them learn to clean the outer and inner surfaces of both upper and lower teeth. Teach them the circular manner of cleaning so that any food item or fibres left in between the teeth can be cleaned.ย  Ensure that their tongues are cleaned daily after brushing for a fresh breath.

Cavities develop when sugary foods stay long in the mouth. So, you can also opt for brushing after the kids have had enough sweets so that the teeth bacteria don’t have any leftovers to eat away the tooth enamel.

4. Ensure cleaning for upto 2 minutes :

I know that’s too much to ask from a toddler or preschooler, but believe me, this boring brushing can also be a fun. Sometimes, we spent more than 2 minutes in the whole process, just because it seems interesting. I usually opt for an interesting character story or a story with some learning and my son’s mouth is widely opened allowing me proper brushing. I also sing some new rhymes and that makes it a healthy timeline with fun. Why don’t you too try it out?

5. Educative Stories & Videos :

There are many educative videos and rhymes, which teach kids about the oral hygiene. As the kids are growing from toddlerhood, narrate these stories and show them the best wayย for their dental health. Kids do get impressed by looking at their favourite character brushing teeth and get it done easily from next time.
Further, explain them as in why do we need to brush, they are small, but their brain is growing fast to catch up all this knowledge.

6.ย  Flavoured Toothpaste :

Use toothpaste designed for kids, as they contain the right amount of fluoride and sweet flavours which kids can adapt to. We cannot expect a small kid to use mint flavoured toothpaste. Soft flavours will encourage them to be regular in their brushing.ย Fluoride protects teeth by making them stronger. It also makes them more resistant to acid and reduces the risk of cavities.

Here are some suggestions of good toothpastes, which you can buy for your kids :

7. Flossing :

Many parents miss out this important task, which is so helpful in preventing cavities right from the start. We cannot expect toothbrush to rich in the spaces between the teeth and clean the smallest of the food particles. This is why flossing is must, when the kids teeth start touching each other. It can be started easily by 3 years of age or even before that. Flossing will remove any food stuck between teeth and even plaque, thus preventing gum diseases and tooth decay. There are many soft plastic floss holders for the ease of small kids.

8. Avoid sugary & acidic intakes :

One must avoid acidic foods and sugary drinks right from the start. Instead of serving sugar drinks, offer them fresh fruit shakes or juices. Avoid adding any extra sugar or concentrates. Similarly, replace chips, candies, creams with fruits and healthy nuts & foods. Indeed sometimes, kids will have, so then remember to floss and clean the teeth to remove off the extra sugar lying in the teeth spaces.

Hope with these ideas, you will be able to ensure that all the sweetness goes out of our kids teeth and they have a happy dental health free of all cavities.

What about your kids? Did they face any tooth decay or cavity issues? If yes, what routine do you follow to help them revive back?

Happy Smiling!!



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This post is also written as a part of the #AlexaTheIncredible campaign hosted by #womenbloggerwbโ€


Quest to live the life surrounded with the charming little bundle's of joy. When they speak, I sing, When they smile, I rejoice , When they hug, I hold them never to lose, Such is my passion for these Gifts of God.This love urged me to navigate separately from my Travel Blog & establish an "All-In-One" Blog for budding mothers. Mum's have multi-tasked this world ,with all her professional commitments , she still makes an extra effort to be a loving, caring and be an intellectual mommy! Cheers, for me too come from the same fraternity, post having a superb academics & close to 8 years of professional experience and blessed with a little one "who has indeed changed my life from Autumn to Spring";)

This Post Has 48 Comments

  1. Priyanka Patwari

    You cover each and every point very nicely… Will surely follow for my daughter

  2. anamika

    Brushing is a challenge for me. I sing rhymes for him “brush brush brush your teeth”. no doubt you have shared some amazing tips surely I’ll follow those tips.

  3. Shubhada Bhide

    Brushing teeth is so important especially for children. and that is one of the challenging things in for the kids. and you put some awesome tips to prevent tooth decay. I will surely adopt this to my kids. Thanks for sharing!!

  4. Alison Rost

    It’s really important to teach our kids the importance of dental health. I think these are great tips for parents. It’s good to start early when it comes to taking care of their teeth.

  5. mahekg

    Good habits need to be inculcated right from beginning and these are some helpful tips.

  6. Chelsea Adams

    My youngest child hates brushing his teeth. He is the one who gets the most cavities too, no surprise. Love all of these tips.

  7. Funny as it sounds, but I think some adults would benefit from these tips as well! Not everyone gives enough attention to oral care. Great to start the kiddies early in developing some healthy habits.

  8. Laura Dove

    Great advice! I am militant about my childrens dental hygiene, you really need to have that in place from the word go!

  9. StephJ

    These are such great tips! I wish I took better care of my teeth when I was younger, I feel like I could have saved so much trouble for myself later on down the road if I had. Cutting back on sugar is a huge one.

  10. Ya. I too feel that flavoured toothpastes make it easier to get them to brush. But it should be medically certified to be safe!

  11. Cianie

    I’m grown and I’d love flavored toothpastes. It just makes the process so much more valuable compared to a nasty mint paste. Very great information!

  12. Brittney

    My little one just had two teeth pop up! Definitely checking these tips! Couldn’t have read this at a more perfect time!

  13. Tiffany

    This is such a good help! My kids all have dentists appointments tomorrow but it’s the first time we’re bringing my toddler and I’m nervous about her really allowing them to look, that’s why I took so long to take her!

    1. Jhilmil

      oh, all the best, m sure your toddler will be super cooperative!

  14. Melanie Pickett

    This is really valuable info, especially for younger parents. Itโ€™s so important.

  15. Gomama247

    Tooth decay is very common problem in kids. These tips are really helpful.

  16. hillcitybride

    You are so right! Dental health is so important from the time those first teeth begin to bud. Such wonderful tips for any new parent. <3

  17. Roby Hartland

    Yeah man. The earlier you start, the better. You definitely don’t want to wait until you’re in your 30’s to start caring about oral health. Not only is it more painful, but it’s super expensive!

  18. Ann F. Snook-Moreau

    I wish my parents would have gotten me into flossing at an early age. I didn’t get into the habit and now I still struggle with it!

  19. simplysensationalfood

    This sounds like a great routine and I wish more parents followed this regime as we would see less kids needing dentaln treatment.

  20. Laura Dove

    It’s so important that we instil good dental hygiene in our children so they grow up with healthy teeth.

  21. Ashley Peavey

    Dental health is sooooo important! We make sure our children take care of their teeth, thanks of sharing!!

  22. Meagan

    I wish i had this information when my daughter was a baby so i could have started taking her after she started teething instead of waiting until she had most of her teeth

  23. Pooja Mahimkar

    Making the chores fun is one of the ways to make it a routine for the kid

  24. Barbara Alfeo

    We love preserve toothbrushes which are cute and better for the environment!

  25. Varsh

    Dental hygiene is important since a young age. Am glad both my kids have a habit of brushing their teeth twice a day and never miss it for anything. Flavoured toothpastes and fancy toothbrushes really helps.

  26. Reetu

    Superb tips for oral care in kids! Parents have to be so careful and cautious in each and every aspect of a child’s health, oral healthcare too being of utmost importance.

  27. lex

    good tips. healthcare for kids is something of importance and should not be joked with, thanks for the tips and am sure loads of parents and guardians alike will love this.

  28. Dipika Singh

    Healthy Oral habits are good to be taught when they are young. I may not brush twice but y daughter does everyday before hitting the bed. These are some super valuable tips.

  29. Mayuri Saxena

    Dental health is one of the most important thing to take care of. Brushing was a little difficult task for me in the beginning but now my three years old loves to brush her teeth…credit goes to fancy toothbrushes in the market! ๐Ÿ™‚

  30. jhilmildsaha

    I was actually looking for a detailed guide to take care of my todfler’s teeth and here you went..thanks so much for this


    wow i didnt knew when my daughter was toddler thanku for detailed post

  32. Charu

    I remember starting with that finger brush for my twins . Yes oral hygiene is crucial

  33. rakhiparsai11984

    Must read for mums of young kids. Due to lack of awareness in us our daughter had to suffer from feeding bottle carries and cavities later.

  34. Our Seaside Baby

    A great post! Brushing teeth effectively is so important! I sing a little song with my 4 year old when he brushes his teeth and it certainly makes the process more enjoyable ๐Ÿ™‚ Polly

  35. Mrinal Kiran

    Didnt know cleaning before sprouting of teeth is important! And yes, finger brushes are the best! Thanks for sharing this amazing post ?

  36. Snigdha

    My son don’t like to brush his teeth and I am always worry about that… Your post gonna h egg lp me a lot.. Thank you.

  37. preety85

    Thanx for this useful post my daughter is 18 months and this post will surely help me a lot

  38. eliza

    I totally love your post! I am an advocate of oral care – I appreciate all your tips I can definitely share this with my kiddos and friends for their kids.

  39. London Mumma

    There are so many kids that hate brushing their teeth, I am quite fortunate that my daughter loves it. I recently got her a new my little pony toothbrush that lights up and every morning and night she freaks out in a good way to use it.

  40. Nice Post. As A Toddler Mom . Im Following The Same Tips. Nice To Read Informative Article.

  41. Tripti Charan

    Wow! These are such basic yet essential steps to be taken to prevent tooth decay in kids ๐Ÿ™‚

  42. Cynthia Crosby

    oral health is important, your post makes it look, so creative and fun.

  43. ChewTaboop

    This is an in depth post. You covered every little detail. It’s really important to imbibe into children healthy oral habits from a very young age. Thanks for sharing.

  44. Shopdealman

    Great post. It just makes the process so much more valuable compared to a nasty mint paste. Thanks for sharing.

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