How to Prevent your Property from being Vandalized?

How to Prevent your Property from being Vandalized?

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Protecting your house /Property :

We all like to keep our homes looking nice inside and out. Sadly, incidents of vandalism are on the rise, across the USA. So, if you are a homeowner it is wise to take steps to reduce the risk of someone dumping unwanted stuff in your yard, spraying graffiti, breaking or stealing your property. Fortunately, as you will see, doing this is not as difficult as costly as you might think.

We all like to keep our homes looking nice inside and out. Sadly, incidents of vandalism are on the rise, across the USA. So, if you are a homeowner it is wise to take steps to reduce the risk of someone dumping unwanted stuff in your yard, spraying graffiti, breaking or stealing your property. HOw to protect our property against vandalism? #property #house #homesecurity #vandalism

Put up a couple of notices

Illegal dumping can be an issue. If you happen to live in a secluded spot that is not too far from a built-up area or highway you may find other peopleโ€™s junk piling up on your property. This is not only unsightly and annoying. Getting it removed can be costly. Fortunately, no dumping signs should deter people. Surprisingly, many people see the sign, feel guilty, and then move on.

Install some security cameras

Others will assume that if you have taken the time to put a sign up that you also have a camera. So, could report them to the authorities.

There is no doubt that security cameras work as a deterrent. So, this is something else you may want to consider doing. But, before you invest in external security cameras check what your Stateโ€™s laws say about doing so. In most States, there are restrictions on how they can be used. It is not hard to find out what the rules are and stay within them while still protecting your property.

We all like to keep our homes looking nice inside and out. Sadly, incidents of vandalism are on the rise, across the USA. So, if you are a homeowner it is wise to take steps to reduce the risk of someone dumping unwanted stuff in your yard, spraying graffiti, breaking or stealing your property. HOw to protect our property against vandalism? #property #house #homesecurity #vandalism #securitycamera

Install security lights

Most vandals rely on not being seen. So, those that like to target your property at night will be put off if you install security lights. Try to buy the type that cannot easily be broken by a stone or a similar missile.

Create a clear boundary

Make it as clear as possible where the boundary of your property is. If you donโ€™t want dog walkers letting their dogs go on your lawn a low hedge is all you need to stop it from happening. Most people are hardwired to respect other peopleโ€™s space. So, when it is clearly marked out, that is usually enough to stop them from behaving inappropriately. If you have a gate on your yard, lock it when you go out. This will deter vandals and thieves from targeting your property.

Consider using an anti-graffiti coating on outside surfaces

In some places, graffiti is a big problem. The best way to stop your property being targeted is to finish off any problem areas with an anti-graffiti coating. Unfortunately, most of these products do not stop the graffiti being applied, but you can easily jet wash it off. If you get targeted, be sure to wash the graffiti away almost immediately. Fairly quickly, the taggers give up and go elsewhere.

There are now quite a few different types of anti-graffiti coatings available for the general public to buy. Prices are falling and most people find that they soon recoup the cost because they do not have to shoulder the cost of painting over the graffiti.

Keep your home clean and tidy

Numerous studies show that when an area is clean and tidy the crime rate falls. So, keep your property in good order and do what you can to keep your street in a good state of repair.

Work as a community

If possible, work with your neighbors to do this and badger the authorities to get your area cleaned regularly. Neighborhood Watch schemes have been shown to help to reduce home invasions, vandalism, and dumping. If you do not have an active branch in your area consider getting one started. You can find out how to do so online or from your local police.

Much love!


Quest to live the life surrounded with the charming little bundle's of joy. When they speak, I sing, When they smile, I rejoice , When they hug, I hold them never to lose, Such is my passion for these Gifts of God.This love urged me to navigate separately from my Travel Blog & establish an "All-In-One" Blog for budding mothers. Mum's have multi-tasked this world ,with all her professional commitments , she still makes an extra effort to be a loving, caring and be an intellectual mommy! Cheers, for me too come from the same fraternity, post having a superb academics & close to 8 years of professional experience and blessed with a little one "who has indeed changed my life from Autumn to Spring";)

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Sajid Akhter

    Hi Jhilmil,

    Security are a must I believe to keep your property safe at all times. This will deter thieves and trespassers and prevent them from entering your property.

    Thanks for sharing, have a good day.

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