Importance of Mental health and Online Child counselling

Importance of Mental health and Online Child counselling

The COVID-19 pandemic has been the most troublesome phase. Not just adults, even kids are dealing with their share of issues. The ongoing stress, health factors, lack of socialization, consistently being indoors, has taken a toll on Emotional and Mental wellbeing. Aย studyย on the Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health revealed the exponential growth of symptoms related to anxiety, depression, psychological distress in adults as well as in children. The awareness around Mental health and overall wellbeing has been expanding and a lot of parents have resorted to Online counselling and Online child counselling to help them deal with the uncertainty.

When does a child need Child Counselling?

Like adults, even children go through difficult periods and can get bouts of stress and anxiety. When you see your child struggling with emotional and behavioral issues that seem to increase with time, it is then when they need some guidance from child psychologists. You could notice the changes like,

  • Extreme behavioral issues (including self-destructive behaviors),
  • A sudden shift in eating, sleeping habits, personal interests,
  • Extreme emotions (sadness, irritation, worrying),
  • Negative and defiant behaviors,
  • A child trying to self-isolate

This phase has been all the more difficult for differently-abled kids or children with special needs. Special needs children mostly suffer from neurological disorders and they may face difficulties in listening, speaking, writing, thinking, calculations. They do need expert child counselling sessions along with oodles of love, support, positive reinforcement, and consistent encouragement to keep them going.

What is the Role of a Child Counsellor?

Child counsellors are mental health specialists and they counsel children on ways to manage their emotional conflicts and help in a childโ€™s social, mental, and emotional development. They identify, assess, diagnose and treat a lot of mental health issues related to children with the help of specially designed tools and therapies. With the challenging times, the demand for counselling sessions for students withย child development psychologistsย has increased.

Making up our mindset to seek child counselling ainโ€™t easy and even finding the right counsellor, special ed online school might seem to be a daunting task. Do your research, go for referrals, check with family doctors. You can check out professional Online Child counselling platforms asย I Can Accomplish.

Why I Can Accomplish for Online child counselling?

I can Accomplishย is Indiaโ€™s Online guidance and counsellor platform which is aimed towards the mental health of children as well as children with special needs. The result of such a counselling platform ought to be enhancement of abilities and this is exactly what I can accomplish focuses on, i.e help with logical reasoning abilities.

Here are the benefits of Online Child and parenting counselling with I Can Accomplish:

1. Guidance right from home:

Often special needs children and kids needing counsellor guidance are more comfortable with their home settings. This time when kids canโ€™t step out of the homes, they can get the right guidance from child therapists and psychologist’s directly from their homes via this platform.

2. Support as a school for children with special needs:

I can Accomplish has skilled and practicing Special Educators, psychologists, and therapists. Since they are experts in their fields, they facilitate inclusive education for children withย Special Education Needs.ย This platform is an online school for children with special needs. They provide sessions for children with mild to moderate Autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorderย (ADHD), Downโ€™s Syndrome.

3. Free demo counselling sessions:

Choosing the right platform for childrenโ€™s mental and emotional health can often be daunting. If you are looking for an Online child counsellor, you can take their demoย free counselling sessionย and then decide the plan that suits your child and his/her requirements.

4. Early Childhood Screening:

As parents, starting a childโ€™s pre-schooling journey is a proud yet very emotional moment. A good preschool supports healthy early child development and very strongly impacts a pre-schoolers mental and physical health along with literacy skills. Hence it is imperative to opt for an early childhood screening before they start their preschool journey.

I can Accomplish has a free child and parent counselling session plan which can help you examine and track the age-appropriate developmental milestones achieved by your toddler.ย You will also get tools, activities, interactive plays that can help your toddler accelerate cognitive growth.ย 

5. Team of certified child psychologists:

They have a dedicated team of Mental health professionals, counsellors, Special Educators offering interactive sessions to enhance multi-sensory learning, logical reasoning, attention span through visual tools. Such dedicated programs can help children meet their unique needs while at home.

6. Well established process:

They provide services as

  • Individual child counselling sessions
  • Parenting counselling,
  • Remedial Sessions
  • Parent-Child Counselling Sessions,
  • Counsellor for school

The process involves,

Analyzing and assessing of childโ€™s abilities and exact needs

  • Basis the analysis, an individual education plan (customized) is curated.
  • One on one remediation and counselling sessions are taken by qualified experts.
  • Complimentary counselling sessions are given for parents to support their childrenโ€™s needs.
  • Progress tracking and competency mapping are done at regular intervals and shared with the parents.

7. Access to the library section:

Parents can even access their free Library section and Youtube videos, for videos that cater to the Emotional and Mental well-being of a child. You can see videos by counsellors on topics like, building confidence in children, Improving their concentration, Developing Logical reasoning, and more.

8. Therapy and sessions are more accessible:

Since they provide an online platform, children from any part of India have now better access to counsellors, therapists, special educators.

In this COVID-19 phase, the lack of socialization has resulted in a lot of parents looking for Online counselling & Online child counselling . #Online child counselling #child counselling #child psychologistsโ€จ#Online child psychologists #Onlinespecialneedseducator #special needs school #childpsychologist #ICanAccomplish #Orchidschool


Be an aware parent and observe the changes in your childโ€™s behavior/keep a track of major developmental milestones related to cognitive & physical development. If you observe sudden changes or see a lag in development, it is always recommended to take professional help from counsellors.

Love & Light,




Disclaimer: This post is just to make parents aware of the options available for Online counselling for children in India. Always do your research and opt for the best option as per your childโ€™s real needs.


Quest to live the life surrounded with the charming little bundle's of joy. When they speak, I sing, When they smile, I rejoice , When they hug, I hold them never to lose, Such is my passion for these Gifts of God.This love urged me to navigate separately from my Travel Blog & establish an "All-In-One" Blog for budding mothers. Mum's have multi-tasked this world ,with all her professional commitments , she still makes an extra effort to be a loving, caring and be an intellectual mommy! Cheers, for me too come from the same fraternity, post having a superb academics & close to 8 years of professional experience and blessed with a little one "who has indeed changed my life from Autumn to Spring";)

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Hema

    Kids mental health should never be ignored. Regular care and guidence is always must for the kids. professional Online Child counseling is much needed during the uncertain situation

  2. Alpana Deo

    Kids mental health is very important. And with pandemic, there is a great impact on their mental health. It has to be taken care of with proper guidance. And the first step should be not to ignore it.

  3. Surbhi Prapanna

    Yes this pandemic has put a negative impact on kid’s mental health and in extreme cases, it is important to take professional help. as a responsible parent, it is must to observe and keep a record about child’s behavior and action.

  4. Cindy Dsilva

    It is very important for parents to pay attention to their kids. But some are too busy making money or taking care of other things and the children tend to get neglected. Sad but true.

  5. Neha Tambe

    I can accomplish seems to offer a comprehensive solution for children’s counseling. Having this as an online platform will help reach a larger audience.

  6. The Champa Tree

    Mental health awareness is much needed especially with the pandemic going worse. Child counseling is something that we must not hesitate to venture.

  7. Tina Basu

    Mental health of kids is so important specially now when they are locked up and not having any social activities. Counseling and professional help is always good when it comes to their sensitive minds

  8. Swati Mathur

    Mental health is a highest concern during this pandemic especially for kids. Identifing the issue is the most important aspect and addressing then and taking them into right direction is equally important.

  9. Roma

    I had no clue about I can accomplish buddy and I am glad to know they are there to secure kidsโ€™ mental health in India

  10. Rakhi Parsai

    Mental health was never this important and personally as a mum, I also didn’t focus much on it either. But for almost 2 years now the situation has been bad and it has affected the kids most. Even we at home pay special attention to kids and their mental health all the more now.

  11. Hansa Kajaria

    Observing and understanding your child’s behavior as they grow is very important coz as they grow their is a change in their mood and emotions which need to be taken care of.

  12. Kavita Singh

    I am glad that more and more people are talking about this and it is indeed imperative to do that in order to remove the stigma around mental health. The times are tough and indeed a challenge for our little ones too.

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