Importance of Raktda in Iron Deficiency for a #HealthyYou

Importance of Ayurveda in Iron Deficiency Anaemia for Women health :

I was always weary when I returned back home from work. My mind always seemed cluttered and body always looked fatigued. Family, kids, corporate work pressures, digital and social presence, all made my life a lot wacky. I’ve felt myself being crushed under the erratic lifestyle and numerous responsibilities, as a woman and as a mother.

Whatever you may say, all of it definitely takes a toll on our health. I somehow lost my relay towards a #HealthyYou, in this whole gamut of life. Weakness, headache, fatigue, at times dizziness looked like getting close to me every now and then! Shortness of breath and poor stamina got me worrisome. Little did I knew that I was handshaking with a defeated body. It was the start of welcoming anaemia due to iron deficiency. How many of you really know that you are under the traps of iron deficiency?

[As per Global Data epidemiologists, India has the highest prevalence of Anaemia (compared with 16 other major pharmaceutical markets), close to 40%.(Ref1) ]

Not just in India, Anaemia due to Iron deficiency is a global crisis. It has been reported by WHO, that 50% of the reason for Anaemia is Iron Deficiency. That sounds huge, and ignorance towards the reasons can burden it up all the more.

Why is Iron deficiency high in Women?

  1. During adolescence, a girl enters into the growth spurt and puberty changes.
  2. With the onset of the menstrual cycle and the growth phase, our body demands more of Iron and calcium.
  3. Heavy bleeding during menstruation and at times prolonged bleeding, results in Iron deficiency, if not supplemented with Iron rich diet.
  4. Further, Pregnancy, Childbirth (blood lost during child birth), Lactation, are the phases where the demand of Iron increases.[Iron deficiency Anaemia may result in pregnancy complications (Low weight baby, Premature baby), Heart problems, hence it is necessary to maintain the right amount of Iron.]
  5. Celiac disease and Uterine fibroids are a few other reasons, why a woman is more prone to iron deficiency.
  6. Women also neglect their dietary intake and nutrition. Consumption of unhealthy and non-iron rich food may further enhance the possibilities of iron deficiency.

What is your intake of beans, legumes along with Vitamin C rich foods and fruits in your daily diet?

Iron RDA [Recommended Dietary allowance] for women in the age range 19-50years is 18mg per day, which enhances to 27mg for Pregnant women. (Ref 2).

Are we even near to this RDA? Well, let me admit, I was not even meeting half of the daily need.

Ayurveda for Iron Deficiency :

[Being a vegetarian became an added challenge for me. Including Iron-rich foods as meat and Eggs, were never an option for me. Being close to nature and having deep faith in the science behind Ayurveda, I started to look out for Ayurvedic remedies for low Iron, along with natural foods.]

A.Vitamin C rich Natural foods:

I started the intake of more Vitamin C rich foods.

Did you know that Vitamin C enhances Iron Absorption in the body?

Enhance your intake of Vitamin C rich fruits and vegetables like Oranges, Kiwi, Melons, Strawberry, Leafy greens (Spinach, Fenugreek), Broccoli, Tomato, dried fruits and nuts, Brussels sprouts. They are full of Vitamin C, which helps in Iron absorption.

B. Iron Rich Foods :

Include lots of Legumes (Beans, Peas, lentils), Soybean, Soaked Nuts, Pumpkin, Sesame, Flax seeds, Leafy greens (Spinach, Kale, Beet Greens), Olives. Whole grains like Amaranth, Oats, Quinoa also helps you maintain necessary Iron levels. Ensure that you have at least 2 Iron-rich foods for your daily consumption.

C. Ayurvedic Supplements: Raktda :

Raktda, by Maharishi Ayurveda, helps you in maintaining an active lifestyle, by maintaining the right Haemoglobin levels. It makes you beautiful Inside out:)

D. Things to avoid :

Avoid Coffee/Tea Intake with Iron rich food, as it can reduce Iron absorption by more than 50%.

E. Iron cookware :

Use Cast Iron Pan to cook food (Prevent Non-Iron cookwares)

How does Raktda, an Ayurvedic medicine helps you maintain an active lifestyle?

  • The presence of Bhasma’s in Micro-ionized particles, soft and processed Calcium, Shudh Shilajit, various Ayurvedic herbs, helps in better absorption of Iron, Calcium and other micro-nutrients required by our body.
  • It brings the Haemoglobin level back to the normal range and then maintains it. Hemoglobin estimation is the right approach to diagnose Iron deficiency.
  • Regular Intake of Raktda reduces Fatigue, weakness, and tiredness and enhances Mental and Physical strength
  • Boosts up Natural Immunity and makes you more active.
  • Raktda also improves Skin and Hair health.

The recommended dosage is 2 tablets twice a day with water. Once your Haemoglobin levels are back to normal, all you need to do is continue a healthy Iron – Calcium – Vitamin C rich diet.

Conclusion :

Hope this post would have helped you with my experiences wrt Iron Deficiency and the best Ayurvedic remedy for Low Haemoglobin. Iron is a very important mineral for women, growing kids, and also for men, hence always focus on Iron-rich foods naturally.

Take a step towards #HealthyYou!

Ref1 :

Ref2 :

Disclaimer :

This post should not be considered as a medical advisory for IDA [Iron Deficiency Anaemia]. It is always suggested to consult your doctor before taking any supplements!
Jhilmil: Quest to live the life surrounded with the charming little bundle's of joy. When they speak, I sing, When they smile, I rejoice , When they hug, I hold them never to lose, Such is my passion for these Gifts of God. This love urged me to navigate separately from my Travel Blog & establish an "All-In-One" Blog for budding mothers. Mum's have multi-tasked this world ,with all her professional commitments , she still makes an extra effort to be a loving, caring and be an intellectual mommy! Cheers, for me too come from the same fraternity, post having a superb academics & close to 8 years of professional experience and blessed with a little one "who has indeed changed my life from Autumn to Spring";)

View Comments (26)

  • Oh, I feel like getting myself checked for this. Thanks for all the critical information on iron deficiency and home remedy. ?

  • During my pregnancy, I was diagnosed with anemia and since then I make sure having a healthy iron rich diet to keep up with the hb level.

  • This is a very useful post for everyone, I am glad you have come up with this post as I am too suffering from some health problem and this post is helpful for me

  • Thank youuu for this blog. A helpful article. I had iron deficiency and have to take supplements for the same. Bookmarking your site

  • Anemia or iron deficiency should not be ignored. It affects our overall health to a great extent. Sometimes people suffering from severe anemia don't realize the reason for tiredness. The pointers you mentioned in connection to Ayurveda are very important.

  • Anaemia in women is indeed more rampant and we hardly take measures to correct it. Iron-rich foods are handy, and tasty, and must be consumed in right amounts. Raktda looks like a beneficial product.

  • This is an informative and useful write up. Iron deficiency is very common for women and it’s ideal to supplement it with a healthy and nutritious diet.

  • Anemia in women is very common..we all need to take good care of this factor and I am sure, your post is gonna help me a lot of information shared..Thanks for sharing this one!

  • I have suffered from anemia in the past and so I have to be careful about my iron intake in general. This is a great post and I will bookmark it.

  • Ayurvedic is so beneficial for health. And vitamin c is so important in our diet. I try to intake as much as vitamin c in my diet. And women should consume more fruits and vegetables etc .