Is the women of India really Independent? #BlogchatterA2Z

Are we truly Independent?

2019 will be the 73rd year when India became Independent. We fought for that freedom and attained it. Can you believe, it is already more than 70 years, but do we really feel the true Independence, being a Millennial woman?

I was born in a family where daughters are cherished and we were brought up like boys, with no gender inequality. As I grew, I observed, experienced, read and felt, that women in India, are definitely going independent. They have moved out of the comfort zones of home, they have their own accounts and cards to shop, they have their own choices to make and travel. But still being the women of today, somewhere, somehow, I feel there is a lack of true independence.

What does Independence means to me, a mom and a woman?

A feeling, wherein no one is sitting beside to judge you. An emotion, wherein you are genuinely free to express your views, without the fear of being trolled or blocked. Freedom means a state wherein you speak of your mind, without any risk. Think, are in that state?

Millennial women need to accept the fact that though they might be strong, and able to pay all their monthly checks, but at the same time, they see their support system in men. Having a men besides doesn’t takes away your credibility of being a strong women, its a truth {not a bitter one, but a pleasant one}.

Independence is when I’ll see a women supporting women and a men supporting women too. It’s time that we don’t see other women as our competitors when we don’t judge a new mom if she continues her corporate life. It’s a game, in which we see each other as team mates and acknowledge that the match cannot be won, even if one tosses down.

It will be achieved, when the society accepts that “Its okay to love yourself first”. When our culture will embrace the Self – love of a woman. Why does a women need to sacrifice her ambitions to see others happy? Let’s feel the breeze, let’s feel that love is above everything and what is required is mutual love and not thousand’s of sacrifices.

To me Millennial women is independent, if she is comfortable in her skin. A stage, when she accepts herself, of all the flaws, happily. When there will be no wish to hide that flab and when there will be no eve-teasing on wearing her choicest body wraps. True freedom will be declared then.

Independence is a state of mind, of being completely free to make our own decisions about our life, our career, our relationships. It’s about being confident in every walk of life, with NO REGRETS!

Freedom to be a women, will be governed when the birth of girl child is celebrated and she is given ample opportunities to rise. When she is taught to balance her family and work, on the right scale. A woman will be independent, when the word discrimination is erased out completely.

How are we going to achieve true Independence?

And who is going to do it? We, the millennial women, will have to be that striving force!
No matter we blame society,
No matter we criticise Men,
Remember, It is we who give birth,
and it is we who nurture a soul!

So, let’s trigger that change, right within us!

Let’s feel the true Independence!

Jhilmil: Quest to live the life surrounded with the charming little bundle's of joy. When they speak, I sing, When they smile, I rejoice , When they hug, I hold them never to lose, Such is my passion for these Gifts of God. This love urged me to navigate separately from my Travel Blog & establish an "All-In-One" Blog for budding mothers. Mum's have multi-tasked this world ,with all her professional commitments , she still makes an extra effort to be a loving, caring and be an intellectual mommy! Cheers, for me too come from the same fraternity, post having a superb academics & close to 8 years of professional experience and blessed with a little one "who has indeed changed my life from Autumn to Spring";)

View Comments (4)

  • A great post-Jhilmil! Enjoyed reading your view. Women will also be independent when she will realize that she doesn't need anyone else to complete her, when she will start upgrading herself, embracing herself and take step towards her dreams.

  • Yes people have forgotten true meaning of feminism. Unless we stand for each other why would anyone else.

  • Independence and freedom are our rights and its a pity that women still need to ask for their place under the sun. The change begins at home and we must encourage it.