New Parents’ Guide to starting an Online Business

New Parents’ Guide to Replacing Your Old Job With a New Online Business

Parenthood is a beautiful thing, and as new parents, it’s going to bring about a new set of challenges and experiences. Everything from adjusting your sleep schedule to the baby’s sleep schedule to being more aware of your language around the baby, life as you know it will never be the same with a new baby. But aside from challenges and experiences, do you know what else a newbaby brings to your life?

Reality Checks:

As new parents, you’re going to have all kinds of reality checks with your new bundle of joy. You’ll have small reality checks like realizing that when you go to the grocery store, you now have to include baby food and diapers on your list. Or that you now need to also buy baby detergent in addition to your preferred detergent.

Sure, those are small reality checks, but it’s those big reality checks that make you sit down and really reflect on your life decisions. Some new parents have big reality checks like having to practice safer driving habits with baby on board. Some couples come to the realization that because they have a baby, they can no longer maintain the lifestyle they led before the baby.

Big and small reality checks are normal. But one of the biggest reality checks that may be hard to come to grips with is the realization of knowing you’re going to have to leave your full-time job. This is one factor that affects the entire family.

Leaving Your Full-Time Job and the Impact of the Decision:

Making the decision to leave your full-time job after the birth of your baby can come from a number of different reasons. You’re both new parents and maybe the thought of leaving your baby in the hands of strangers frightens you. Then again, maybe your job still expects you to work crazy hours that aren’t sustainable for your new life.

Regardless of the reason, whether by choice or by force, you’ve made the decision to let go of your job. This isn’t going to be easy because maybe it’ll be tough to go from having two sources of income down to one. It can also be tough because maybe you really love what you do for a living but you’re just not ready to return so soon.

According to, the average time frame for maternity leave is 12 weeks. You can take that leave before the baby comes, but it will leave you less time after the baby is born. For some mothers, 12 weeks just isn’t enough time to bond with their baby. Unfortunately, lots of new mothers are forced to either come back to work after the 12 weeks or are left to have to leave their jobs.

That’s a big reality check that some couples don’t expect or see it coming, yet it’s a decision that has to be made.

The main thing to come to grips with, in both small and big reality checks, is that it’s no longer about you two anymore. You both have a little person that’s totally dependent on you and everything you do needs to be done with that little person in mind.

Now, it’s also important to come to the realization that just because you’re quitting your full-time job doesn’t mean you have to be without income. You have the ability to quit your full-time job and earn income through an online business.

By running an online business, you’ll be able to not only earn income for your household, but you’ll be able to earn income for your family while spending quality time with your new baby. But before you go to your full-time job and break the news to them, you have to be realistic in your approach.

Take a look at some helpful tips to help you transition from having a full-time job to becoming an online business owner.

Tips to Smoothly Transition From Full-Time Worker to Full-Time “Mompreneur”:

Tip 1: Don’t Quit Your Job First, Start Your Business First

This is the part where you have to remember that you still have an extra mouth to feed, so you can’t act out of haste and anger. It’s perfectly fine to make the decision to leave your job to start your online business but the order in which you do this is what’s of most importance.

Some moms will quit their jobs first and then start their business. Well, unless your significant other/spouse can support you both with just their income, you need to hang on to your job for a little while until you actually get your online business up and running. So start your online business first and then break the news to your job.

Tip 2: Find a Reputable Website Builder to Start Your Business On

Okay, so you know you need to start your business first, and then quit your job. So the next thing to do is find a website builder to build your site on. You actually have a wide range of website builders to choose from, but out of all of them, the website builder on outranks them all.

The great thing about this particular website builder is the fact that it not only has tons of different themes and layouts but it’s also a fully-featured content management system that also has a blogging platform. So you’ll not only be able to sell your products online but you’ll also be able to give your audience helpful tips and tricks on parenting or on the subjects you like, through your blog.

Tip 3: Remember, This is Not an “End All”

Always remember that you’re still the same individuals you were before you had the baby, it’s just that you’ve had to change some habits and make adjustments to your lifestyle. And with quitting your full-time job, that doesn’t have to be the end-all with work. You still have all the opportunity in the world to return to the workforce when you’re ready. Some moms choose to do that when they’re baby gets a little bigger.

And the awesome thing about returning back to the workforce is that you’ll still have your online business bringing income to your home as well. So when and if you do go back to your full-time job, you’ll just have multiple sources of income coming in, perfect for the baby’s college savings!

Hope this post was helpful!

Much Love,


Jhilmil: Quest to live the life surrounded with the charming little bundle's of joy. When they speak, I sing, When they smile, I rejoice , When they hug, I hold them never to lose, Such is my passion for these Gifts of God. This love urged me to navigate separately from my Travel Blog & establish an "All-In-One" Blog for budding mothers. Mum's have multi-tasked this world ,with all her professional commitments , she still makes an extra effort to be a loving, caring and be an intellectual mommy! Cheers, for me too come from the same fraternity, post having a superb academics & close to 8 years of professional experience and blessed with a little one "who has indeed changed my life from Autumn to Spring";)

View Comments (9)

  • Doing online jobs or an online business is a good idea for new mom's , this gives them an opportunity to spend more time with thier little one.

  • That's such an amazing blog post. Very helpful to all that new mom's who want to switch to Full-Time “Mompreneur”

  • It is important to maintain the work-life balance after motherhood. Working on an online business is a good option to get the best of both worlds.

  • I totally echo feelings of this article. Have been in the same boat. Its really hard to leave kids for work unless you have a super strong arrangement behind you that ensures 100 percent nutrition and safety of kids. One must have patients till the business starts rewarding. Its a time and tested fact that every business takes minimum 3 years to establish. I can simply go on and on for this Jhilmil but have to stop. You have actually hit my raw nerve. But happy to share the feelings with you dear. Just love your articles. They relate so much with me. Love.

  • Its a well researched & a sure shot guides to many a new moms who are thinking of making this shift; the reality checks & all pointers are so rightly written. Journey to being Mom & Mom-preneurs need this kind of gui guidance

  • These tips are really helpful for people who are planning to start a business and quit their old jobs! Thank you for sharing!

    • The balance between home and work is the prime factor for a new mom. Starting an online business is surely a good option.

  • The most important step in starting a profitable online business is to find a business idea that matches your skills. Starting a business is a hefty and challenging endeavor. Great thoughts.

  • This is definitely a great help for people who are quitting there job for family . This is a guide to online business.