Protinex – The best source of Hydrolysed proteins

Protinex - get to know all about proteins, Hydrolysed proteins, are they better than Intact ones? #proteins #hydrolysedproteins #protinex

There are enough discussions around the Macro and Micro nutrients these days, but we find that protein’s are lacking that awareness amongst Indians and our diets. We might plan to fulfil Vitamin D deficiency but what about the building blocks of the cells? What about a component which is there in every part, every cell of the body, aka, Protein?

Numerous surveys have been conducted on our diet patterns and results have always been shocking, when we get to know that 9 out of 10 Indians are deficient in Proteins. It is more so amongst North Indians, wherein the major portion of diet is vegetarian. But being a vegetarian doesn’t hinders correct protein intake, only if we are aware of our body requirement and how to fulfil that gap created.

Protein Rich Foods : Are we taking the requisite Protein?

Indian diet has mostly been a carb based diet with lots of focus on whole wheat chapati’s and added fats in the form of ghee, oils and butters. No where are we closer to adding sufficient proteins in our foods.

A daily protein requirement is 1gm/kg(body weight)/day, i.e. If I’m a normal fit adult, weighing 50kgs with not much of physical exercise, then my daily Protein need is 50 gms. Here comes the question, are we meeting this requisite, more so the “complete protein” requisite? Proteins are made up of 20 different amino acids, out of which 9 are essential amino acids. Intake of these essential Amino acids makes it a complete protein diet.ย 

This requirement increases incase you are in one of the phases:ย Growing children, teens, elders, Athletes/Sports or during illness. In these phases the requirement increases from 1gm to 1.2-1.6 gms/kg/day(varies) and thus pose more challenge to have a protein rich diet and here hydrolysed proteins can be really impactful.

Hydrolysed protein and its benefits :

Every function of our body cells are controlled by this macronutrient called protein. It’s presence is in DNA, Haemoglobin, Hormones – Neurotransmitters, Enzymes, Keratin – Hair, nails,ย  Bones, Muscles.ย  And, so it is must for all age groups, from a toddler, to a teen, to an adult and even for elders.

Basically proteins can be taken in an Intact form or in the hydrolysed form. Intact proteins are acted upon by proteolytic enzymes, which break the long peptide chains intoย single amino acid or small peptide chains of 2-3 amino acids.ย This hydrolysis enhances the efficiency of the protein compared to intact protein. Our body absorbs protein inย short peptide forms more efficiently.ย Hydrolysed proteins act faster during recovery and helps in better muscle protein synthesis also. Did you know that protinex supplements have Hydrolysed protein in them, which help in instant results and better mechanism ?

Hydrolysed Proteins help in :

  • Enhanced Amino acid levels : Certain Hydrolysates trigger a good spike in Amino acid levels which results in a greater control overย muscle protein synthesis.
  • Hydrolysed protein helps inย betterย muscle strength and quickย muscle healing and recovery compared to intact protein.
  • Weight loss : Hydrolysed proteins helps you feel fullerย for longer with less calories and it helps shedding excess of fat from the body.
  • Diminishes any allergy :ย Hydrolysed protein is less likely to cause any allergy, since it is said that the allergens get removed during this process of forming hydrolysates.
  • Better Immunity :ย During any illness or dieting regime, youย could handshake with weaker immunity. This can be easily supplemented withย Hydrolysed protein, which gives an immunity boost. It also raises the levels of glutathione which protects immune cells.

Other benefits include :

  • Prevents increase in Blood Glucose, thus maintaining Blood sugar levels.
  • Mood elevators : They help in synthesis of hormones elevating our moods.
  • Better memory and learning, due to their role in formation of neurotransmitters
  • Maintains strong bones, bone repair, due to better absorption of calcium

Do you wish to calculate your Protein intake?

Protinex Calculator is here for you!

It’s time to check out how much protein requirement are you covering from your diet. Forget visiting doctors and feed in your details in a simple protein calculator launched by Protinex. I came out to be just 60% on the scale and I really need to improve my Protein intake (and not over do it).ย A balance of all nutrients is must for the perfect functioning of our body. For this, definitely, my diet has been moulded, along with 2-3 scoops of Protinex added in milk daily to give me sufficient Protein.

To me, Protinex supplements and the newly launched travel friendly โ€œProtinex bytesโ€ are the best option to help my body cells smile.ย  All the more, it has amazing flavours like Vanilla Delight, Fruit mix, Elaichi, Chocolate & its original flavour.ย  And yes, they have special packages for children in their 1st and 2nd growth spurt. Clubbing a balanced Protein rich diet along with protinex supplement/bytes is definitely bridging out the protein gaps and making us full of energy once again!


Quest to live the life surrounded with the charming little bundle's of joy. When they speak, I sing, When they smile, I rejoice , When they hug, I hold them never to lose, Such is my passion for these Gifts of God.This love urged me to navigate separately from my Travel Blog & establish an "All-In-One" Blog for budding mothers. Mum's have multi-tasked this world ,with all her professional commitments , she still makes an extra effort to be a loving, caring and be an intellectual mommy! Cheers, for me too come from the same fraternity, post having a superb academics & close to 8 years of professional experience and blessed with a little one "who has indeed changed my life from Autumn to Spring";)

This Post Has 27 Comments

  1. henajose

    Mostly these protein based products don’t taste good, but this product is available in many flavors

  2. Deborah Miranda

    Wow..interesting.. My protein intake today was high cause it was a fish day..for lunch and dinner.. used the calculator and showed in excess!!!

  3. Mrinal Kiran

    I have had a protein deficiency since my childhood and so I have been taking protienx these days! Its really good.. will try the protein calculator

  4. Alexx Bloom

    Protein based products are solution to everything , it is great that they have variety of flavours and with help of calculator extra protein intake can be calculated .

  5. Shivali singla

    I have a few family relatives who have to try this product for sure and I would love to recommend this to them because I do think its gonna be really useful.

  6. Roshni Parate

    Protein definitely plays an important role in our diet. ProteinX full fill requirement of protein in body. My sister use this product. And she also has a great review about this product.

  7. Shubhada Bhide

    Oh, this Protinex looks really interesting and worth to try. I will surely check those tasty flavors.

  8. rakhiparsai11984

    Protinex is indeed an amazing brand helping deal with all the proteins requirements of the body.

  9. Minakshi Bajpai

    Never knew the benefits of hydrolysed protiens and calculator is amazing and very useful at the same time.

  10. Reetu

    I cannot tell you how much your post has enlightened me about hydrolysed proteins and protinex. We sure need to be aware of protein intake and glad that protinex has come up with so many flavors!

  11. Shaila

    I really like how detailed and well written ur blog is! Waiting for ur next post

  12. Hydrolyzed proteins are the best form of proteins intake, we had a wonderful interactive session here in Mumbai talking about the necessity and reasons why it is important. #AlexaTheIncredible #womenbloggerwb

  13. Bushra Khan

    wow! I am not getting enough protein! I just check the protein calculator! Protienex looks like a good addition to the diet.. shall try this

  14. Trystwithvanillagirl

    I have recently reinreintrod protein x in my kitchen. Protein supplements are necessary in Indian diets. Rushing to use protein calcucalcu

  15. Charu

    Thank you for the protein calculator makes life so much more simple and organized

  16. Nidhi KM

    This ProteinX calculator is really handy and a great guide for the diet. I like the ProteinX powder alot

  17. khushboo

    I have been drinking Protinex for few years now. its really good

  18. Sarah

    This protein calculator is a great initiative by protinex and is capable of solving so many problems

  19. nameeshn24

    Protinex products surely a game changer in the present times where we see a lack of Protein in the diet.

  20. Mrinal Kiran

    Have been using proteinx in my diet for long! It is really good and delivers more protein than other drinks!

  21. Papri Ganguly

    Proteins are Essential building blocks of our body. I’m happy that there is one brand has come up with such amazing protein products.

  22. drbushran

    Indeed this is quickest source of Protein and it’s great they are available in so many flavour.

  23. Akanksha

    My son has a proper protein intake in his diet. He loves eating Chicken which is a good source and I made sure he eats chicken or eggs once a day. However, he doesn’t drink plain milk and always wants me to add Chocolate powder in it. May be I can replace it with Proteinex in chocolate flavour to make sure its healthy as well.

    IG: @ms_tantrum

  24. Mummasaurus

    the right kinds of protein are very important to the body. liked your perspective too!!

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