Tips for Parents of Addicted Children

Addiction? How to know about it?

Tips for the parents of Addicted Children #addiction #children #addicted

It is true that no one wants to be addicted but it is a type of disease and you become the victim unknowingly. In fact, addiction is developed due to the combination of bad choices and poor judgment. And it is not that this disease occurs overnight. Addiction takes time. Not only this, it has also been found that many people do not even know that they have addiction symptoms. But after continuous use when they stop using it, symptoms of withdrawal begin to occur. And it is then that they realize their addiction. But at that time you, as a parent, may have to work hard to stop it. Maybe, even in spite of treatment, you may find it difficult to get your child out of addiction. Therefore, it is very important to be aware if your child is addict or not.

Apart from this, addiction is also known as a family disease because it affects the addict as well as the whole family. Therefore, the family should contribute equally to stop the addiction of family member. If seen as a parent, their responsibility increases greatly towards children. There are many parents who have caught their child while misusing substances. So, there are some special tips for those who are parents of addicted children.

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Protect addicted children from Self harm

Parents have the greatest responsibility to take care of their child and ensure their survival. Parents can help children to avoid physical and emotional harm. But when the child gets mature, then it becomes even more complicated for parents. However, in rare cases, the instinct of protecting children by parents can be problematic and the child may have to face danger. Especially when the child becomes addicted, parents naturally protect them. Still, for this, they need to work effectively as the addiction cannot be fixed within few hours and the whole family may be in trouble because of addiction.

Understand the difference between protection and enabling

It is usually found that parents try to protect their children from harm. Still understanding the difference between protection and enabling is very important for them because there is a very fine line between the two. Enabling addiction involves many things like giving money to the addict or paying bills, and covering up the addict’s mistakes. However, by doing this, parents/family members think that they are helping the addict but often it has negative consequences. When it comes to protection, in such a situation, it is very important to reduce the craving to protect the addict. You need to assure the addict for treatment, only then he can overcome the addiction.

Tips for parents so that children can be protected from addiction :

Tips for the parents of Addicted Children #addiction #children #addicted

Instead of reaching the peak of the addiction, attempts to protect from addiction before being victimized are considered to be the best. It is true that parents have an important role in protecting from addiction or any other crisis. If you want to protect your children from intoxicants, then try to follow the following tips:

  • You have to support positive things in children’s lives. Assure them that their good aspects are being given importance and do not rely on others to make a positive assessment in children.
  • If you have a little doubt that your child has used drugs or alcohol, you should test it as soon as possible. Testing can help you and you can prevent your child from being addicted.
  • It is very important for you to know the symptoms of the addiction because if symptoms are displayed, you will be able to stop it.
  • You need to be involved in all the activities of a child even from school activities to hobby.
  • Most parents think that their child cannot be a victim of addiction which is not right because addiction doesnโ€™t discriminate, anyone can addict to it.
  • Always try to be good parents which may include many things such as teaching to distinguish between right or wrong to the child, teaching the results of negative thoughts, and praise for good behavior. However, to be involved in their lives is a good thing but doing more than the limits can have negative consequences. In fact, it is necessary to be balanced in this case, only then you can become good parents.
  • Parents should take care of what kind of company the child is living in because there is a greater risk of addiction in bad company.
  • Encourage the children for positive thoughts and increase their self-confidence. If your child becomes the addict, then in order to get rid of the addiction, assure them that he or she can do it.

All these things prove that parents play an important role in protecting their children from addiction. If unfortunately, their child gets addicted, then parents should be aware so that before it affects the addict or the entire family, then addiction can be eliminated from the root.

Thanks Anoop, for this important information.

Anoop Nain is a content marketer and health blogger who is currently working with rehabtip. He
has covered the topics related to health, fitness, and lifestyle. He specializes in condensing complex
health information into easy articles that are understandable to the readers of his niche.


Quest to live the life surrounded with the charming little bundle's of joy. When they speak, I sing, When they smile, I rejoice , When they hug, I hold them never to lose, Such is my passion for these Gifts of God.This love urged me to navigate separately from my Travel Blog & establish an "All-In-One" Blog for budding mothers. Mum's have multi-tasked this world ,with all her professional commitments , she still makes an extra effort to be a loving, caring and be an intellectual mommy! Cheers, for me too come from the same fraternity, post having a superb academics & close to 8 years of professional experience and blessed with a little one "who has indeed changed my life from Autumn to Spring";)

This Post Has 22 Comments

  1. Anjali

    My boy is 18 months old and I already started feeling that parenting is not so easy thing.. Thanks for sharing this wonderful post, it will definitely keep all the points in mind so that this motherhood can be more easy and enjoyable for me ?

  2. Ruchie

    Oh !! this is eye opener and informative post

  3. Gleefulblogger

    Very important topic to touch as a parent, I recently met a lady in train whose only son is a drug addict and she was cursing her life for bringing her to Mumbai.
    Your post points out the exact reason – why addicts need to be taken tactfully instead of pity or sympathy. Addiction could be of anything, gadgets today also pose a huge danger.

  4. Neha

    Addiction and drug abuse is closer home than we can imagine. Being vigilant while ensuring that the child grows in a free environment is a tight rope that parents need to walk.

  5. Sabeeka Lambe

    When we talk about addiction, it is common to feel that this will not happen to us or our family… but that’s not … These are really some wonderful tips that will help us keep understand addiction better and how to cope with it

  6. Minakshi Bajpai

    Parenting is never easy. Each day you learn something and as a person you transformed completely. I always fear that despite teaching my kids all the good things, they don’t end up with something like this. This post is worthy and the tips you shared are great. Thanks for this!

  7. Jiya B

    This could the most difficult phase for a parent if she comes to know her child is addicted. No parent wouldever wish to see their child in this phase. thanks for enligting on this issue its very much needed.

  8. thebeautytymscom

    Day by day I feel that parenting is not jus like othr task… We we see such news or documentaries.. We always think that this can neva happen to our family….but I would definitely keep all this point in my mind…. In My opinion a parent shld be friendly as well as vigil……

  9. Vikram Soni

    That blog teaches so much to the parents, shall spread the blog and help my friends who have started their parenting currently.

  10. Anchal

    An eye opener ! We need to be vigilant all the time and treat it carefully

  11. nehajainu

    Nice share never think about this parenting is teaching new things everday

  12. Prerna Sinha

    I so agree with you and your thoughts, thanks for sharing this genuine topic!

  13. myteenytot

    Addiction of any kind is dangerous. Every day is a challenge and sometimes you need to be soft and sometimes tactful.
    Thanks for sharing your views on such an important topic.


    True he is right, u cant snatched any thing from kids with which they are addicted, Infact we need to make them understand what’s wrong n right

  15. preety85

    Very informative and useful post, I also agree with all your points.

  16. Nisha Malik

    Another important aspect of parenting is to keep a check on kids’ addiction to drugs. Because it’s so easy for them to fall prey to drugs. Thank you very much for such wonderful article. Must read for parents

  17. Papri Ganguly

    You have selected a good topic. Nowadays addiction become like a part of lifestyle. This post is an eye opener for many parents.

  18. Renita

    This is a powerful blog to share. I believe that most parents think by enabling the child that they are protecting them. It only hurts the more and hides the consequences of the child’s actions. So many young children are dying from addiction right under their parent’s noses. Thanks for sharing.

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