Which Mattress Is Best For Back Pain ?

Which Mattress Is Best For Back Pain ?

Which Mattress Is Best For Back Pain In India?

Chronic back pain is probably one of the most challenging medical condition to treat. Back pain affects many people around the world and is thus a common condition too. Did you know that people who wake up with back pain are due to sleeping on a poor quality mattress? This chronic pain is completely avoidable if you are selecting the best mattress for back pain. Moreover, sleeping on a comfortable mattress provides a good quality uninterrupted sleep which will help you stay active and productive during the day.

Did you know that people who wake up with back pain are due to sleeping on a poor quality mattress? This chronic pain is completely avoidable if you are selecting the best mattress for back pain. here are some Mattress features to look for if you have backpain and poor quality sleep. Firmness, support system, type of foam matters a lot while selecting a mattress. Read more #mattress #backpain #wakefit #bestmattress #sleep #sleepquality

Mattress features to look for : The foremost thing to know before purchasing a mattress that provides relief from back pain is to know the mattresses types available in the market that can treat back pain. There are three key factors which are interconnected and that is the firmness, support, and ability to suit your body shape.


The top-rated mattresses are those that provide great support to the spinal cord. Pain in the lower back is the most common and it can radiate from the neck, and reaches until the end of the spinal cord. The mattress should suit your body shape and when you sleep on it, the weight of your body should be distributed evenly as that helps to straighten the spine and also provide continuous support to the body.


The best mattress brands are those that support the back muscles and that can happen by choosing the perfect firmness. There are three levels of firmness :


It offers great confirming ability and provides great support. It is good for people who are of a large build as the mattress absorbs the extra weight but is not suitable for people who weigh less than 90 kgs.

Medium firmness:

It provides great support to the back and also adjusts to the body shape. It is best suited for people who are of average weight and not so good for large sized people.


The soft mattress is good for people who are of small to average build, while it is not that effective for people who are of large build.

Did you know that people who wake up with back pain are due to sleeping on a poor quality mattress? This chronic pain is completely avoidable if you are selecting the best mattress for back pain. here are some Mattress features to look for if you have backpain and poor quality sleep. Firmness, support system, type of foam matters a lot while selecting a mattress. Read more #mattress #backpain #wakefit #bestmattress #sleep #sleepquality

Type of mattress that relieves pain:

Memory foam mattress: This type of mattress is the best mattress for side sleepers who have back pain. It enables to maintain the alignment in the spinal cord by providing lumbar support. It changes shape according to body contour and thus there are no gaps between the body and the mattress. The mattress has a soft memory foam layer and a hard base making it the best beds for back pain.

Innerspring mattress: It uses a coil support system and includes springs. It provides a fair degree of support but suffers from sagging after about 3 years. The thickness of the top layer determines the conforming ability and the thicker the better.

Latex mattress:This is made from natural or synthetic rubber, this type of mattress provides enough back support and does not cause major back issues. The firmness offered in this type of material is medium to firm and there are softer versions available now.

The best type of mattress that is good for back pain is the one that is not too soft nor too hard so that there is less stress on the Spine. Another critical thing to know is that every individualโ€™s comfort is different and what works for one may not work for the other. A thorough research should be done to suit your needs and then try it. Many online mattress like WakeFit provides an option of return if it does not work for you.

So make informed decisions and get a quality sleep without waking with a back pain.

Be healthy!


Quest to live the life surrounded with the charming little bundle's of joy. When they speak, I sing, When they smile, I rejoice , When they hug, I hold them never to lose, Such is my passion for these Gifts of God.This love urged me to navigate separately from my Travel Blog & establish an "All-In-One" Blog for budding mothers. Mum's have multi-tasked this world ,with all her professional commitments , she still makes an extra effort to be a loving, caring and be an intellectual mommy! Cheers, for me too come from the same fraternity, post having a superb academics & close to 8 years of professional experience and blessed with a little one "who has indeed changed my life from Autumn to Spring";)

This Post Has 21 Comments

  1. Sajid Akhter

    Hi Jhilmil,

    Back problem has become a common health issue of late. It generally happens because of our lifestyle and out body postures. It is important to correct our body posture and choose the right kind of mattress to support our back and get rid of the pain.

    Thanks for sharing, have a good day. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Richa Mina

    Oh wow thatโ€™s a great post sharing in details about the mattress so that we could purchase just the right one

  3. Gurjeet Chhabra

    With your tips and suggestion, i will buy a good mattress for better sleep

  4. Pavneet

    This is a very informative write up on which mattresses to choose . Will surely share this with my mother as she is suffering from back pain and have been using wrong mattresses.

  5. Ritu Kalra

    It’s really important to have a good comfortable mattress so that the body can feel relaxed and we wake up fresh…thanx for these wonderful tips to keep in mind while selecting a mattress

  6. Priyal

    Thanks for coming up with this post, I am planning to change my room mattress now this will help me to get the best one

  7. Dipika Singh

    A nice comfortable mattress is all we need for sleep! Nope that’s a wrong notion, mattress needs to be caring enough to get rid of all that pesky back ache. Informative post here thanks for sharing.

  8. Akanksha

    This is such a useful post Jhilmil. I recently invested in a Ortho Firm mattress and I have not been comfortable sleeping since. I have started getting frequent back pain and now I got to know it can be due to firmness level. I have average weight and i’m only 5’3″ ๐Ÿ™ . Thanks for sharing. Sending to my husband and hoping he buys me another one.

  9. Siddhi

    That’s an awesome brand if it allows the customers to return the product if it doesn’t work for them! Checking it out. Made to order black cotton mattress doesn’t work for me anymore.

  10. U K

    This definitely looks like a game changer and with the return option, they are bound to kill it..:)
    Beautiful post.


  11. Noor Anand Chawla

    Thanks for this informative post! Iโ€™m currently suffering from back pain, iโ€™ll do my research before investing in a new mattress again.

  12. Rohini James Kurian

    I definitely agree with you as I have first hand experience of terrible back issues because of the mattress I was using. Of course, it is also good to do some basic back exercises to keep it strong along with good posture.

  13. Pooja Budhiraja

    Thanks for letting me know such a nice range of mattresses. I dint knew that these are for back pain too

  14. Jenifer Sayyed

    So many types of mattresses, I was only knowing few. This is super helpful and all must know this.

  15. Papri Ganguly

    Much needed post for me and hubby. We both have been suffering from back pain for couple of years. Now I understand that we need to change our mattress

  16. Nimmy

    Oh my gosh! This post is a life saver..I must say! Have been suffering from back pain since delivery and I hope I got the answer for the cure.

  17. Seema Wadhwa

    I was looking out for some information on this, so glad to have found this article. Over the last few weeks I have developed a back ache and haven’t been sleeping well and I figured it has a lot to do with the mattress I am currently using.

  18. Sandy N Vyjay

    I think that mattresses form an important part of the quality of sleep we get. Also, a mattress which is good for one may not suit the other. Prefer firm mattresses to ensure there is no back pain.

  19. Deepa

    This is a really helpful post for those looking to buy a mattress. We are actually looking for a new mattress for our bed. Its always better to go with a firm mattress.

  20. Deepa Shri Rajan

    OMG! This is really an eye opener blog. I am
    In search for that perfect matresses as I have developed some serious backache. Will keep this in mind while shopping

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