World Down syndrome day : An Interview with DS child’s mama!

The World Down Syndrome Day!

The World Down Syndrome Day is approaching on 21st March and I wanted to help raise some awareness about it.ย And the best way I could bring it across was interviewingย a very strong mama, whom I have known for few yearsย now. Though I had barely spent few days with her and her adorable, ever smiling DS child Vihaan, I was so proud to see the way she has nurtured him. I’ve seen many people hiding in themselves, justย becauseย their child is a Down’s baby. But,ย they forget to realize that their concernsย negatively impact the child’s development.

Down syndrome[DS]ย is basically a genetic disorder, resulting mostly from the third copy of chromosome 21.ย It is associated withย delay in physical and intellectual growth and has characteristicย facial features. Though there is no cure for Down syndrome, but what matters here is theย proper care, love, education which has shown to really impact the life’s quality of children with Down Syndrome. Even sensory play helps DS kids development. The diagnosis of DS is pretty possible in the pregnancy itself via Double andย Quadruple marker test in the beginning. if the possibility is stated then pregnant women must go for NT , CVS and Amniocentesis tests. Do focus on every minute detail of your pregnancy test reports and have detailed discussion with your medical doctor!

Vihaan is jolly kid, who rejoices various foods, enjoysย chattingย with all and the best part is his ever lasting smile.ย He loves his beautiful family and lil sister Taani!

Let’s read, what Ritu, aka Vihaan’s mama, has to share with us and to the parents of Down Syndrome children :

We wish to know little about yourself and your family

We are a close-knit family of six โ€“ Vihaan, his little sister Taani, his parents and his uncle and aunt. Grandparents and other relatives visit frequently.

World Down Syndrome Day, 21 March, interview with mama of Down's Syndrome child

Can you tell us about Vihaanโ€™s DS diagnosis?

Vihaan was born in a children’s hospital in Mumbai. Immediately after his birth, the paediatrician came to inspect and suggested carrying out a blood test for Downs Syndrome. He also observed that the baby was blue. Vihaan was immediately transferred to NICU, as his oxygen level was around 65. One of the heart arteries PDA which usually closes in a baby within a few minutes, was not closed. It took 7 day medication and observation for it to close and his oxygen levels to reach a normal of 95-96 when he could be brought home.

Meanwhile, the results of the blood test took about a month. His features like slightly slant eyes, flat nose bridge, puffy arms and toes, gap between thumb and fingers and his muscle tone all pointed towards Downs Syndrome. This was further confirmed by the karyotype results. But instead of having 3 copies of the 21st chromosome which is usually the case for DS, he had 14:21 translocation. Some of the genetic material got interchanged between 14th and 21st chromosome. ย  ย 

How have you focussed towards his development and life?

Over the time, we have started taking things one by one. We initially concentrated on his muscle tone and walking. He took about 2-2.5 years to learn walking. Once that was mastered, we focused on his speech. Speech is difficult to achieve in DS since it involves movement of cheek and jaw muscles and tongue (muscle tone is weak in children with DS). So speech is something which will take years and years to master.

But, I feel proud in saying, that he has developed a speech, thatย most of the peopleย are able to understand easily. His expressions add to his feelings when he expresses his wishes.

Right now, we are concentrating on his writing. Recently, he has developed proper grip on the pencil. At about 7 years of age, he needs help with everyday activities like brushing teeth, bathing, dressing up, wearing shoes etc. Slowly he is learning to do these things independently.

But the most important impact is about having friends. Vihaan does not have many friends as other children are not able to understand him and hence cannot connect with him. Interestingly, we have seen poor children being more compassionate and interested in playing with him as compared to children from educated families. Sometimes, children also make fun of him. Sadly, Vihaan understands everything and makes a sad long face when this happens. This is the most heart-breaking for a parent to witness.

What were your main fears and concerns when youย got to know of this diagnosis, as a mother and as a parent?

The initial shock is very difficult to handle for new parents. But once the phase of โ€œWhy me, and why my childโ€ is over and acceptance gets in, the main fear was what happens to Vihaan once we are gone.

Initially, we wanted to have only one child. But after learning that Vihaan had DS, we changed our mind and planned for a second baby. We hope we are able to build a bond between the siblings and that we are able to raise both our children in a way that they stay together for their life.

World Down Syndrome Day, 21 March, interview with mama of Down's Syndrome child

How has Vihaanโ€™s diagnosis impacted you as a person?

Vihaan has taught me to be away from the rat-race and to enjoy every little achievement. He has also taught me to be more compassionate and non-judgemental towards others.

I’m sure Vihaan has given you lots of optimism, so what allย positivity have you experienced?ย 

I have realised that we have lost the human values nowadays. Vihaan has taught me to be more friendly and non-judgemental. And to appreciate what we have rather than complain about what we don’t have. People see the disability in him but I concentrate on things he is ABLE to do.

We would like to know as to why is Speech therapy important for a child with Down syndrome?

Speech therapy involves exercises of the tongue, cheek and jaw muscles. Since children with DS have poor muscle tone, the ability to speak or to speak clearly is also greatly reduced. Speech therapy should be done as early as possible to make these muscles strong. Along with therapy, the parents should talk a lot to the child, to help the child build his vocabulary.

And what about the Physical therapy?

Physical therapy involves exercises of hand and leg muscles. Co-ordinated movements are necessary to walk, climb stairs, to jump, to hold objects and more so. They are a part of the overall development for a DS child.

We all mama’s have tough days, how do you cope during such days?

When I am having a tough day, I start to think if I don’t put in my efforts in him, then who will? This is what drives me and gets me going. Also, I feel blessed as Vihaan is otherwise a healthy child despite having DS. Many children with DS have heart ailments or eye, ear related disorders.ย 

There are times when Vihaan gets very stubborn and doesn’t listen at all. We have to be very stern at such times.ย Also, most stressful is when other kids don’t want to play with him.

What about the sleep difficulties for a Down’s Child?

Yes it is common for children with Down Syndrome to have sleep difficulties since their nose bridge is flat. Some children also have sleep apnea. There are sleep studies and sometimes a mask is prescribed in acute cases.

So, how have you planned his future?

The biggest worry is what happens after we are gone. We are hoping we can inculcate values in our daughter, so that she can take care of Vihaan whenever he needs support. But a lot of things need to be done before this can be achieved. Besides saving finances for him, we want to make him independent enough to be able to carry out his daily activities, read, write and count. We are hoping he will also get a sense of money to carry out normal transactions.

In addition, we are also trying to build a network with other such families so that Vihaan and his sister have a support group as well when they need it.

He is a lovely child, so we would like to know what interests him?ย 

Vihaan loves dancing and doing household activities especially in the kitchen. He has a sense of rhythm since he was an infant. This is the reason we have enrolled him in a dance class. Not only does it gives him a channel to release his extra energy, he also gets to interact with other kids of his age. He has inherited his interest in cooking from his father. He is usually found in the kitchen in the house. He is right now little small to be near the gas stove but I intend to teach him cooking once he is slightly older and gets a sense of what is safe and what is not.

What advice would you give to other parents who have received a diagnosis similar to yours?

  • First and foremost, STOP worrying and START acting.
  • Start therapies early. The earlier you start, the less delayed your child’s milestones will be.
  • Connect with other parents with children of DS. This will give you not just emotional support but also many ideas on how to teach your child various skills.
  • Most importantly, BELIEVE in your child. Your child will see the confidence in your eyes and evolve into a confident person.

What would you like people to know about Vihaan and what would you like to say to them ?

Other than having DS, Vihaan has a lot of aspects to his personality. Please see his abilities rather than his disabilities. And most importantly, teach your children to be considerate and thoughtful towards everybody. We are giving so many facilities and luxuries to our children nowadays that they take everything for granted and forget to count the blessings. We are heading towards a very insensitive and an unwelcoming society.

Unfortunately, we don’t have the adequate provisions in our education system to integrate children with DS with other children in schools. A lot of talk is being done about Inclusion but true inclusion will come from the society. There are very few schools that can accommodate children with DS with other children. Since these children are segregated from the society from their very childhood, its very difficult to integrate them in society later on.

I really feel Ritu, that we as a community need to bring these changes and help raise our kids with more EQ than IQ. Let’s all come together and pledge for this beautiful deed, a deed to see the smile on the face of every child. Even a Down’s child is a child. They have a beautiful heart and an innocent mind, let’s shower all the love for them!

Get to know Ritu in her words :ย Juggling between being an IT professional and mother to two beautiful kids. Besides being a wife, daughter, sister, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, I am here trying to rekindle my passion for writing and use itย primarily toย create awareness and acceptance for Downs Syndrome in our society. Besides, I am also passionate about raising my voice for the place of women in Indian society and in the Indian corporate world.

World Down Syndrome Day, 21 March, interview with mama of Down's Syndrome child




Quest to live the life surrounded with the charming little bundle's of joy. When they speak, I sing, When they smile, I rejoice , When they hug, I hold them never to lose, Such is my passion for these Gifts of God.This love urged me to navigate separately from my Travel Blog & establish an "All-In-One" Blog for budding mothers. Mum's have multi-tasked this world ,with all her professional commitments , she still makes an extra effort to be a loving, caring and be an intellectual mommy! Cheers, for me too come from the same fraternity, post having a superb academics & close to 8 years of professional experience and blessed with a little one "who has indeed changed my life from Autumn to Spring";)

This Post Has 22 Comments

  1. Ishieta

    Wonderful and powerful post. I have wondered about the struggles and it doesn’t sound easy, and it is so lovely to see Ritu is so positive and loving. It is sad how others behave, probably the parents and all people need more education and then the kids will be able to be more inclusive.

  2. grimal13

    This is one of those opened-eye type of posts that I like reading. God bless you guys!

  3. Jessica

    You are such a beautiful and strong mother to him. I admire how you said that you are out of the rat race now and focus on him. Sometimes, we tend to get caught up in all that and not pay attention to what is in our home.

    1. Jhilmil

      That’s true, this society doesn’t allows us to forget all the competitive feelings, but it needs to be done when you wish to raise your child positively.

  4. My Teen Guide

    Thank you for this post. Having a special needs child is challenging but we must do our best to make the child have as normal a life as possible. Ritu is such an awesome mother and Vihaan is blessed to have her in his life.

  5. Minakshi Bajpai

    “Every child is special”- this we should always keep in mind. Love to know about this handsome vihaan.

  6. A great post. You are such a strong woman. Every child is special and its own uniqueness. Good to see Ritu is sound

  7. Deepika Verma

    He is such an adorable kid… The parents definitely need to be strong and positive to be able to forward such qualities in children

  8. Marya Mesa VA

    Hi, I’m a mom of a young man with Down Syndrome too. Thanks for a well written post! I love reading about the international Down Syndrome Community.

  9. Ashley Peavey

    What a cutie! This is such a great read. Thanks for sharing. I am a special education teacher and I wish more people were aware of just how amazing these people are!

  10. Tara

    What an amazing family! The fact that they are focusing on what he can do and celebrating those milestones are wonderful. I think this child is in very good hands.

  11. Papri Ganguly

    I am so happy to meet this shinning star. Yes, every child has own ability to learn.

  12. A powerful message and he seems to be a lovely kid. You parents have done a wonderful job taking care of him and nurturing him.

  13. Cheri

    What an adorable boy. I enjoyed reading about your journey and about this sweet boy. Thanks for taking the time to share.

  14. Namrata Kumari

    I wish all the mommy’s in this world get similar strength as yours.

  15. thekusilife

    This was such a neat interview to read! I have several friends who have children with DS and some of the sentiments I read have been the same. Such amazing children with huge hearts who teach us how to love on others and look at what kind of a person people are rather on their outward appearance. Thanks for posting!

  16. Kartika Nair

    This is such a powerful and informative post . I didn’t knew much about down syndrome but now I know a lot about it . Thanks for sharing your story and you have such adorable two little angels . Much love and blessings to them .

  17. Hiteshi Sharma

    This is such a powerful and positive post ritu bhabhi. What society thinks, dosen’t matter at all, just make cherry a strong and independent personality. Love cherry and tani

  18. Sara Blissett

    It is sad and heart breaking but I really admire the strong supportive mother.

  19. Garf

    You are such a good and strong mother to him. Great and informative post.

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